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January 2001

January 22-31
The gingerbread man has become a gingerbread person - Stuff.

7 years of child support later... DNA tests show he's not the dad - Boston Globe.

Adoption Bonuses: The Money Behind the Madness - Massachusetts News.

Child maltreatment: Women commit most abuse - Administration for Children and Families.

Sexploytation: The average American woman is a whore: Her vagina is a business, and this business is extortion - The Bulls Balls.

Gerald L. Rowles, Ph.D.: The Evolved Matriarchal American Family & Fatherhood - Toogood Reports.

Please, Hollywood, send us some real men: Maybe it's the age we live in, but lately, screen idols seem to be getting dumb and dumber - National Post.

Born to be dads? - The Scotsman.

Lawyers to damn state of children's courts - Sydney Morning Herald.

Teacher sentenced for having sex with her student - Salon.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: The big guy is happiest when he's helping poor kids, saying weird things about race and saving America from single-parent hell - Salon.

New data support need for prostate cancer testing - Center for Prostate Disease Research.

Men Wear Divorce Badly - CBS News.

Karen De Coster: Long live the male - Lew Rockwel.

Women Behaving Badly: Why can't a woman be less like a man? - New York Times.

A second Jesse Jackson love child? -

Larry Elder: Vandalized childhoods linked by fatherlessness -

U.S. judge awards custody to biological father of Internet twins - CNN.

Kathleen Parker: Let's listen to children of divorce - Orlando Sentinel.

Man cleared of two rapes is stabbed - Scotsman.

Making up with Daddy: Sometimes a man is a girl's best friend - Salon.

Kristen Gilbert: Ex-husband testified that she confessed to him in a phone call in July 1996 that she killed some of her patients at a Veterans Affairs hospital - Boston Globe.

Christine Alexander: Woman who shot spouse seeks money - Toronto Star.

Activist want parents who don't pay child support to be charged as felons - Sun-Sentinel.

Lawmakers search out way to get child support to parents on time - Larence Journal-World.

CBS Evening News Easing divorce's impact on kids - CBS News.

CBS Eye On America report Collaborating On Divorce - CBS News.

Man can sue lover over son deception - Telegraph.

A father's international custody battle: Case shows difficulty of ending such fights - Boston Globe.

Yvonne Roberts: At last we're asking why couples stay together, not split up - Independent.

Fugitive mother surrenders: Triplets reunited with dad - National Post.

Questioning estrogens: Environmental estrogens, synthetic substances that have the unanticipated side effects of acting like hormones, are of increasing concern to scientists - Vancouver Sun.

Man accused of abducting son may relocate - Boston Globe.

Refuting myths on fathers - Oklahoman.

U.S. Penis Comes Up Short in Size Survey - Yahoo Daily News.

Overcoming abductees' almost unanimous rejection of the left-behind parents: Parents say it's like losing their children twice - Pulse24.

Children Found: Abducted children recovered from estranged mother, Carline Vandenelsen - Pulse24.

Anne Lewis: An enquiry into the adult male experience of heterosexual abuse: I underestimated both the extent of the suffering and the degree of discrimination against men by the police, the courts and child welfare agencies, and in the overall implementation of public policy.

Oppressive UK Family Court: Squeching resistance.

British couts hold "mother is best": In this case, we agree, but it should not be the rule - Sunday Times.

B (a child) v RP: Woman has child in secret, puts her up for adoption, ex-boyfriend finds out, petitions to adopt, authorities say no - Telegraph.

January 15-21
Rape shield law: Lobby demands parallel right to anonymity for the accused - Independent.

Rapist has sentence adjourned for week - Irish Times.

Divorce Silicon Valley Style: - Business 2.0.

X-tracurricular Activities: What's a company to do when an employee posts controversial-even pornographic-material on a personal Website? - Business 2.0.

School says parent attacked teacher: The mother of a first-grader assaulted her son's teacher at a Jamaica Plain school - Boston Globe.

So, who's doing the homework? - Sunday Times.

My dad, the family gambling man I am proud, not embarrassed to have such a unique man as my father - Sunday Times.

Japanese men learn art of not ogling women - Sunday Times.

Men are a lost cause, and we're proud of it - Sunday Times.

Gag order imposed on Len Miskulin - Broken Link.

Bitter custody battles: A Comox father says he has been investigated repeatedly over false allegations by his ex-spouse - Vancouver Sun.

Child Support and Domestic Violence: The victims speak out - American Coalition for Fathers & Children.

The solution to end Paternity Fraud - Stop Paternity Fraud.

Russian mafia stole my sperm after closet tryst, Becker claims - Sydney Morning Herald.

Boy claims damages for death of dad he never knew - Ananova.

Feminised exams can produce only civil servants - The Independent.

Judges get added say in joint custody - Chicago Tribune.

U.S. Internet Twins Taken Into Care in Britain: American baby twins at the center of a bitter transatlantic dispute - Lycos News.

Women's Sex Drive: Is sex within marriage a privilege or a right? - Outcry Magazine.

Are women natural leaders, and men...the opposite? In a stunning redirection of the intolerance she ostensibly writes against, Book envisions the rise of corporate women as a much-needed means of putting men in their proper place - C|Net.

What Gender Gap? Despite the numbers, women's earnings are about equal to men's - and legislation won't affect the difference - Kiplinger's.

Help Establish An Office of Men's Health - Men's Health Network.

Mr Hague can exploit all this dithering on the family - Independent.

Top court to rule on pensions, divorce: Court asked to deny bid to 'double dip' into ex-husband's reduced income - Ottawa Citizen.

Clayton Giles family court saga: - The courts must implement changes to stop the needless destruction of children.

Don't look for lesson in this tale: Meet Clayton Giles, who began the new year with a hunger strike, a Web site and an agenda to make children's voices heard in family court - Orlando Sentinel.

Father fasted before: Teen's hunger strike reaches Day 16 - Calgary Sun.

Repeal the Bradley Amendment: In 1990, Lockheed employee and divorced father Bobby Sherrill was captured in Kuwait and spent nearly five harrowing months as an Iraqi hostage. The night after his release Mr. Sherrill was arrested for not paying $1,425 in child support while he was a hostage - Alliance for Non-Custodial Parents' Rights.

Why girls become pregnant when their fathers vanish - Daily Telegraph.

Mum's the word? - As Len Miskulin begins the second month of his hunger strike, the British media is saying nothing. It's time for people outside the UK to rally to his support by sending letters demanding that this shameful issue be brought to light.

You're a man, get over it! - If the personal is political, then what has feminism wrought in this man's life?

Publicly funding unfairness at court - Irish Times.

Male victims tough sell - Family of Men.

Sexual objectification: - Is turnabout fair play? If so, who decides when the turnabout stops turning about? When does the getting even end and the loving begin?

Civil Disobedience & NonViolent Action: - A Kid's Right.

Fatherhood: The next social revolution? - Harbinger Press.

The Society for the Critique of Feminism - Stanford University.

Child Abandonment Bills - Children's Advocacy Institute.

January 8-14
Hunger strike continues: UK father now into the 28th day of hunger strike - Family Routes.

Men sue to raise something important - Sydney Morning Herald.

Fragile Men? From Womb on, Males May Have a Harder Time -

Man Pardoned for Knocking Off Wife's Glasses: - News.

Recovering the Family Wage: Political, economic, and cultural pressures have combined to undermine the family wage - a wage high enough that a man earning it can provide adequately for himself and his immediate family - Chalcedon.

Fathers are not getting a fair shake: The system is criminalizing honest fathers and demoralizing their children - Insight.

A matrimonial mess that makes a mockery of justice - The Times.

Comparable Worth and the Glass Ceiling: Sometimes it needs to be repeated.

Accused father gets temporary custody - The Record.

Child at court's mercy - Times of India.

Clayton Giles: Dad wants end to hunger strike - Calgary Sun.

Tick-Tock: Men and women view time in an essentially different way - Yahoo Daily News.

What about male victims of domestic violence? - Times News.

All men are rapists? - Guardian Unlimited.

Family Court: Time to televise family court proceedings? - Guardian Unlimited.

So many male stupidities... Refusing to let them fight for their country is just one way in which men try to keep women down - Guardian Unlimited.

The greater divide: The educational divide between the sexes continues to grow - Guardian Unlimited.

Certified Male: Watching men behaving like men - Irish Times.

Clayton Giles: Court's double standard alive and well - Calgary Sun.

Fred Reed: Cops As Feminist Enforcers - Fred on Everything.

How to find a good attorney - National Center for Men.

Fourteen year-old boy goes on hunger strike: Clayton Giles declares hunger strike against Calgary, Alberta, family court - Legal Kids.

NCFM E-Zine Gazette - National Coalition of Free Men.

O'Faolain exposes the dishonesty of feminisma - Irish Times.

It's so hard being a feminist these days: Some people don't actually agree with your every plaint of victimhood - Irish Times.

Save the Males: It's boys, not girls, who are struggling in school - Utne Reader.

Child Support Guidelines: Fact and Myth - Karen Selick.

IBM, Union Carbide and others implicated in causing brain, uterine or testicular cancer in a "clean room" at IBM's East Fishkill facility - new york.

Mommy transformed into "the Mother", a cold, evil person - Sunday Times.

Child Support Agency urged teenager to sue father for school fees - Sunday Times.

January 1-7
Dangers of being a man: Almost two out of five men who died in 1999 aged between 25 and 39 committed suicide - Sydney Morning Herald.

ACFC National Family Courts Protest - Spring, 2001 - American Coalition of Fathers & Children.

Men Of Steel Balls January 2001 Newsletter - Steel Balls Press.

New Jersey appeals court endorses Internet visitation plan - Canoe.

Courts okays replacing dad with e-mail - Washington Post.

German squaddies face wind of change: German male soldiers are being politely asked to refrain from breaking wind in their tents or combat vehicles if they happen to be alongside the female recruits - Scotsman.

The pursuit of a college education does not excuse a parent from paying child support - Salt Lake Tribune.

Government will clamp down on do-it-yourself paternity tests - Independent News.

Who says men are more violent? - Massachusetts News.

Court Continues to Deprive Children of their Father - Massachusetts News.

Force and Feminism - Chauvinist Corner.

Defective Dads: American society is just beginning to realize the consequences of fatherlessness - Christian Broadcasting Network.

Women's violence shatters sexist image: The image of the macho Romanian man has taken a hammering after a survey revealed the nation's husbands are regularly beaten by their wives - Ananova.

When DNA test disproves paternity, should child support stop? - CNN.

Father's hunger strike enters third week - Photo of protest on behalf of Loughton, Essex, father.

Ex-state worker says he wasn't considered for job woman got - Baltimore Sun.

In praise of Canadian men - National Post.

A record of abuses in Wenatchee - Seattle P-I.

Men Explode: A special report on men and rage - Smart Marriages.

The Women are at Fault - Der Spiegel, Special Edition 5.

Don't blame men - Irish Times.

A generation of misled women? - CNN.

Alliance for Marriage
American Coalition of Fathers & Children
DADs Australia
Fathers' Day Protest
Fathers' Rights to Custody
Men's Defense Association
National Coalition of Free Men
Stop Paternity Fraud
What Men Know that Women Don't
Dougie Brimsom
Father & Child Reunion
Bachelor Parents
War Against Boys
When the She-Wolf Wore Lamb's Clothing
Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say
Decline of Males
Throwaway Dads
If Men Have Power Why do Women Make the Rules?


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