The Backlash! - February 1999

Family Violence Protection Act

by Earl Silverman
Copyright © 1999 by Earl Silverman


In Alberta, Canada, the Office for the Prevention of Family Violence (OPFV) a division of Alberta Family And Social Services, is responsible for holding workshops in Alberta informing agencies how to be involved in the intervention of family violence.

This Act, if people handle it correctly, can be the inspiration for men's centered point of view groups and fathers groups. The Act can keep a man in the house with his children while the abusive mother is escorted out of the house. This can be a reality. This Act, which defines only women as the victim, can be used for the protection of children. We can reduce children's deaths by implementing the Act to protect the child and to keep the father in the home.

OPFV Meetings

Calgary, February 17, 1999
Edmonton, March 4, 1999


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Presentation: Highlights of the Act
  3. Discussion #1; What benefits, concerns, questions?
  4. Presentation: The Act and what we know about family violence-opportunities for intervention
  5. Discussion #2: How can we use the Act in our community?
  6. Discussion #3: Who will do what after today?
  7. What next and thanks

We have the workshop registration form to be delivered at least one week prior to the date of the workshop. Are you interested in being part of the solution?

I am led to believe that the groups who attend will be considered sanctioned by the province to call the police to assist in a family violence matter and to instruct the police as to what to do.


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