The Backlash! - February 1998

Purple Heart

Organization News - Purple Hearts Campaign
Robert Cheney P.O.W. Website
Christopher Robin
2297 Holly Drive Hollywood, CA 90068

Never in real life

According to Leslie Dixon, co-screen-writer on the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire was just a story because, in real life, fathers have joint-custody.
by Christopher Robin

It was a very rough Christmas season. I didn't get to see my wonderful son on his birthday or on Christmas. Or for the past 600 days. Sure, I cried. I felt sorry for myself and my son, but then I thought of all the great friends and activists out there who haven't seen their beloved kids for years and years, and I was ashamed of myself for self pity.

Bob Cheney hasn't seen his son for 6 years. Jack Garbuz hasn't seen his most cherished little Roy for 7 years. Kirby Inwood hasn't seen his son for 11 years. Thousands of you haven't seen your children since they were babies and will probably never see them until Oprah has a reunion show when your kids are parents themselves.

Have any of you had enough of this?

I mentioned to you earlier that Leslie Dixon called me one day a few months ago. She was co-screen-writer on the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire. If you recall, Robin Williams played the part of an alienated father who was determined to do anything to still have a relationship with his kids. Leslie Dixon had been driving past this old house each day on her way to the studio.

She was incensed that anyone would turn this old house into "THE PURPLE HEART HOUSE," and she yelled at me for desecrating this landmark in Hollywood Hills built by silent screen star BiBi Daniels in 1927 and home of CLARK GABLE from 1929-1932.

The Ms. Dixon was outraged that I use this old home, this landmark, with one new Purple Heart for each day I didn't get to see my son. just to try to get media attention. I was amazed at this woman's attitude because she had become very rich and famous by being involved with an extremely successful movie about a man who would do most anything to be with his kids.

She was unrelenting as I tried to defend myself. She argued that her story was just a movie, that it didn't really happen in real life and that most fathers have joint-custody and don't have to do radical things to draw attention.

This old 4 story castle-like home in the Hollywood Hills has 600 Purple Hearts all over it from 10 inches to nearly 3 feet high. Yet not one news media outlet has ever shown a picture of it. Imagine if Streisand or Richard Simmons or Jay Leno had 600 Purple Hearts on their homes. Don't you think that there would be stories in every Magazine, Newspaper and News at 11 all over the world?

For 18 months, this old home has been a spectacle for tourists from every country in the world who continue to ask, "Why haven't we ever seen this home in the news?" Why? Because it's a father who is fighting the system just to see his son.

I have attempted, with the help of many brilliant legal minds, to fight through the court system. My cases have all been dismissed even though we have pure proof of dozens of illegal acts by judges and attorneys. Nothing works!

Fathers Liberation Army

By now, you may all realize that nothing works. You may not want to admit it. You may believe that legislation is the answer, that acting in a civilized manner will bring attention to our plight, that continuing to cooperate with the Corrupt District Attorneys, Crooked attorneys, Crooked judges will help us get our families, our property, our drivers and business licenses returned to us. But you are wrong!

I have listened to all the pacifists on-line for many months. I admire you for your brilliance and your belief that by some miracle, the system will change and we will all-of-a-sudden achieve justice. It's time for radical change in our tactics. It's time for the Fathers Liberation Army! No more business as usual.

I know far too many dear friends, fathers and mothers and Grandparents who have been brutalized by this, the most corrupt system since Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia. Have you had enough?

1998 is going to bring radical changes. Radical changes! Remember the Boston Tea Party. You've heard about uprisings all over the world to bring about change? Have you had enough?

The war is just beginning!

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