- August 1997

Some provocative quotes


You fight the fights that need fighting.

- from The American President

While Rome’s circuses grew ever crasser and more colossal in an attempt to keep the masses engaged, the empire was crumbling.

- John Walcott, U.S. News & World Report, August 26, 1996

Your best? Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and fuck the prom queen.

- from The Rock

You cannot trample upon people who are innocent, treat them as objects, and not expect retaliation.

- Sylvester Stallone

If you don't let people speak out, they will find ways to act it out.

- Dr. Regina Barreca, University of Connecticut

Every year, 60,000 Americans die of diseases they did not have when they went into the hospital.

- The Coming Epidemic, TBS

I am always a little skeptical when politicians piously proclaim their morality.

-- Bill Clinton, USA Today, August 6, 1996

What we need is a practical system of public-service jobs. The fact is that some of the people we are throwing off the rolls won’t be able to find a place in the economy. (On the Welfare Bill)

-- Sharon Parrott, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Just as with any other human endeavor, the law of diminishing returns applies to taxation: Tax rates that are too high actually bring in less revenues than lower rates.

-- Jack Kemp, USA Today August 6, 1996

Because it breeds fear, terrorism breeds repression. A free society needs to protect civil liberties when they’re most threatened.

-- Regina Hackett, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 6, 1996

The first nonessential government service I would shut down is the IRS.

-- Harry Browne, C-Span, Libertarian Presidential Convention

I feel the most shameful thing this country did was to export disease, disability and death by selling our cigarettes to the world.

-- C. Everett Koop, former Surgeon General, The Washington Post National Weekly


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