- November 1996

Some provocative quotes


He said: You know you're henpecked when you can't tell your pregnant wife you're sterile.
She said: I want a sensitive, new age man who will cry when I hit him.

The women's suffrage movement is only the small edge of the wedge, if we allow women to vote it will mean the loss of social structure and the rise of every liberal cause under the sun. Women are well represented by their fathers, brothers, and husbands.

- Winston Churchill

All men ever think about is love because they never get any, and all women ever think about is sex because that's how they make their living.

- P.C. Seldom

Woman begins by resisting a man's advances and ends by blocking his retreat.

- Oscar Wilde

In 1996, men voted with what's between their ears and women voted with what's between their legs.

- Randy Lewis

Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with their weakness.

- Marquise de Deffand, 1697-1780 (French society leader and letter writer)

Women dress alike all over the world: they dress to be annoying to other women.

- Elsa Schiaparelli

Many women, now the political majority in the population, truly love to hate the men who used to be the majority. Many women, now much more assured of their own spending power, are catered to by the sponsors who must hand them television programs they will watch. More than that, women form the major audience for daytime TV, so if Phil, Oprah and Geraldo did not exist, television would have to invent them. Oh wait a minute, that's right; television did invent them.

- Asa Baber, Naked at Gender Gap


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