The Backlash! - Things that make you go, "hmmm" - June 2013
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In this column I pose questions and raise issues. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item, provoke thinking or give you ideas for how to respond to things. Think of them as "sound bite arguments."

  • If the May 9, 2013, "blueprint for colleges and universities throughout the country" letter from the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education proves anything, it is that this is neither a war on men nor a war on women, but a war on women and men, because it can and will be used against any man or woman who speaks against the progressive agenda. Feminists are tools, footsoldiers and fools, nothing more. The real enemies hide.
  • Where domestic violence is concerned, feminists claim perpetration matters less than injury. Women may perpetrate just as much violence as men do, but women are injured more often because of men's greater strength, and that makes men evil and women their victims.
  • When women injure men, it's a strike against the evil male hegemony; when men injure women, it's an act of oppression.
  • Feminists assert women are neither weak nor helpless but must nonetheless be protected from the words, eyes and thoughts of men; not with veils for women, but with chains for men.
  • The "women don't have equal pay" meme compares women who work 40 hour weeks to men who work 60 hour weeks and women in safe, clean administrative assistant jobs to men in dirty, dangerous coal miner jobs. When comparing wages within the same job and adjusting for hours worked, women make 98 cents on the male dollar. Is that two cent difference sexist? Maybe. But it is hardly indicative of widespread misogyny in wages and to claim otherwise is a lie.
  • How do we know it's men and not women who, in growing numbers, are saying "no" to marriage? Because the number of single, NEVER married men is much higher than the number of single, NEVER married women.
  • Price fluctuations in trade goods are now affected by many countries, not just the US.
  • Feminist work is rarely paid, and the anti-feminists who work for real gender equality, almost never.
  • Feminism is neither hairy nor butch and it has been more than 30 years since the mainstream media characterized it as such, but feminism is a hate movement and has been for at least 30 years.
  • To feminists, any violence that involves both women and men is "gender-based violence."
  • Given how they torture logic, who can credibly claim feminism is not violent?
  • Feminists say men should not compliment random women on the street, so men ignore women, biology kicks in, women dress more and more provocatively, and because the only men who are complimenting them are the rebels and "bad boys," more women date and mate more and more bad boys, end up as single mothers who complain that there aren't any good men. Thus is the nuclear family destroyed and the feminist mission accomplished.
  • Most slut shaming is done by women, and feminists are blaming and shaming men for it as part of their war on men.
  • What the mainstream ignores about interest rates and inflation in the US is the coming flight from the US dollar by other countries. When that happens, inflation and interest rates in the US will skyrocket, even if the US is in a depression.
  • The mainstream dropped the hairy legged lesbian with hairy armpits stereotype of feminism more than 30 years ago. Feminists hang onto it as a red herring to distract us from the real reason most people shun the feminist label: sexism.
  • Feminism is sexist. Feminists stereotype masculine attributes as negative and feminine attributes as positive. Feminists stereotype women as victims and men as predators. That is sexist, and the Movement for the Establishment of Real Gender Equality (MERGE) has long since become the province of the Men's Rights Movement.
  • While the mainstream media has remarked on how many more women than men there now are in college, few note that most of the degrees these women earn are worthless.
  • By the beginning of the next decade the scarcity of fecund women relative to men will become noticeable, and this will magnify the political power of women. To counter this, men will need to become highly selective in who they date, mate and marry.
  • Is backyard AquaPonics the answer to food shortages?
  • Will Andrea Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Generator save the global economy?
  • If something like the E-Cat does save the global economy, will it lift up all of us, or only the global elite?
  • Being single, I do my own housework. It may not be neat and tidy enough to suit feminists, but it suits me, and the feminists' opinions about that don't matter.
  • Without the "War on Drugs," there would be little demand for black market drugs, which raises the question, do drug lords support the war on drugs?
  • The FDA serves the American Prescription Drug Cartel, not the American people.
  • Healthcare costs so much mainly because the American Prescription Drug Cartel has a monopoly that allows them to charge hundreds of times more than they could in a free market.
  • Circumcision hacks men off.
  • Feminists would have us believe that women never lie (about sexual assault and rape), and all men are guilty until proven only suspect. This is bigotry by definition. And this bigotry is pervasive.
  • Feminist men hate the existence of real American Indian men because we do not conform to their politically correct racist stereotypes.
  • Preventing rape is good. But the current anti-rape campaign is just another hate-male campaign, portraying most men as rapists. A century ago, African-American men were often portrayed the same way. Thus, are modern-day feminists the philosophical descendants of the racist White supremacists of old.
  • Beer is loaded with estrogen.
  • As more women are doing what it takes to become CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, more women will become CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.
  • Almost 50 years ago the hate-male campaign set out to destroy masculinity. Women complain that good men are hard to find. Maybe that's because the good men don't want to be found by women who have been steeped in the hate-male culture.
  • More than 20 years ago I cited statistics that proved (1) women instigate slightly more DV than men, and (2) men inflict far more injury than women. And I was not the only one. Yet the pocket poodles at the Good Boys Project claim we ignore that male violence causes more harm. Ignorant pups.
  • To pop-feminists, speaking any truth that does not support their bigotry is "misogynistic." Thus do feminists obscure real misogyny behind the mountains of their misandry.
  • A woman can nag a man for years, smack him around and goad him until one day he erupts with pent up anger, strikes back and sends her to the hospital. Her provocations do not absolve him, but she shares the blame and unless her behavior is addressed, too, she will continue to spread violence.
  • As long as domestic violence programs address only half the problem, domestic violence will continue to be a problem. And isn't that exactly what the fearmongering feminists want?
  • In the late 1990s Betty Friedan admitted that she lied about millions of American women suffering from "the problem with no name." What she described was clinical depression. Well, millions of Americans, both women and men, are depressed now. Thanks Betty!
  • When I grew up in the sixties, everybody from our parents and books to TV and the movies--the pop-culture--taught us that boys and men protect girls and women. Then feminists told us it was sexist for men to protect women. Or be gentlemen, open doors, hold chairs, pay for dates, etc. Now, the pocket poodles at the good boys project are lecturing us about how bad women have it, and that men are to blame. Ignorant pups.
  • Real gender equality was never the real goal of the pop-feminist hate mongers.
  • The bad news is, the economy might collapse into a deflationary depression, which will drive the price of gold up. The good news is, the economy might take off in a technology and energy boom recovery, which will send inflation sky high and drive the price of gold...up.
  • To fix crony capitalism get rid of the cronyism, not the capitalism.
  • If you adopt a "hope for the best but plan for the worst" investment philosophy, you should be covered regardless of whether the economy crashes or recovers.
  • Both Democrats and Republicans seem eager to pass laws that destroy the Bill of Rights.
  • Feminists are teaching women that men should be ashamed of their masculinity. How is this not bigotry? It's like teaching Whites that Blacks should be ashamed of being black. If anybody should feel shame, it's the feminists.
  • Book of Luke: "To whomever much is given, of him will much be required; and to whom much was entrusted, of him more will be asked." Unless you're a western woman?
  • The "Privileged Male": Less than 1%.
  • From the 1970s, American feminists publicly and loudly admitted their intention to destroy the American family. See, for example, Shulamith Firestone's The Dialectic of Sex
  • Several years ago a segment on a television magazine show stated that sperm counts and testosterone levels among men in prison were significantly higher than in society at large. Are prisons protected from the estrogen-mimicking chemicals that poison so much of the rest of the world?
  • Women are not morally superior to men, no matter how many times the HATEriarchs' hate-male campaign says they are.
  • Some feminists say it's good for men to be victims of false accusations so they will appreciate how women feel. What a load of cow dung! That's just an attempt to excuse their bigotry.
  • Men who are victimized by the the HATEriarchs' hate-male policies and laws are more likely to become embittered and turn into the misogynists new rage women say all of us already are. But the HATEriarchs' apologists already know and want that. They need us to turn into the "devils" they can use to keep their hate-male campaign alive.
  • In the sixties it was fashionable to speak the truth and "tell it like it is." But ever since the nineties, few dare speak the truth.
  • The reason women who sleep around are "sluts" and men who do are "studs," is because all women have to do is passively sit there waiting and then say "yes," while the men have to actively sell themselves and risk repeated rejection. Yes it's a double standard, but it is not fair to either sex.
  • When the Ellison vs. Brady case established the Reasonable Woman Standard, it also created the uniquely male Reasonable Man Standard. In sexual harassment cases involving male victims, men, not women or feminists, decide what constitutes "conduct of a sexual nature." And in guydom, an attractive woman showing cleavage is definitely viewed as engaging in conduct of a sexual nature.
  • Most men dismiss most feminist demonstrations, like "slut walk," as goofy. Most of the demonstrators are just attention whores. If the media would ignore them, they would go away.
  • Most domestic violence programs are based on the expectation that a whole solution can be found by addressing only half of the problem.
  • Misandry (hate-male sexism) is pervasive, today. The sooner we stop that, the less hate-female sexism there will be tomorrow.
  • Men should stop "helping" with housework and child rearing, and become equal partners in the same way that women should stop not-helping with auto and house repairs and become equal partners.
  • Numerous instances of anti-female sexism still exist, but the most egregious affect only an elite few; how does holding everyman responsible for what only a few, do, make any one woman's life better?
  • A White slave owner is beating her Black slave when he whirls, grabs the whip from her hands and rumbles, "enough!" "He's attacking me!" she screams. That's exactly how it is, now, only instead of White slave owners and Black slaves, it's feminists and Everyman.
  • Africa is a large continent with many tribes and nations, so why do so many African-Americans have Swahili names?
  • Men have fewer rights to their bodies than women, yet are blamed for for oppressing women.
  • The only kind of action adventure video games feminists would approve of, would feature female warriors beating male warriors who never hit back.
  • All politicians who would send soldiers to die should have the experience of killing with their own hands.
  • In this age when so many aspire to be hailed as victims and all who simply show up for progressive activities are celebrated as heroes, vices are hailed as virtues while true virtues are reviled with scorn.


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