The Backlash! - Things that make you go, "hmmm" - April 2013
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In this column I pose questions and raise issues. I don't always agree with the conclusion, implied or stated. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item and get you to think or give you ideas for how to respond to things. I'm sorry that I don't yet have a comments section, that will come when I have the resources to grow this site into a real blog. One reader commented that I should have more links. I've been doing this column for almost 20 years and the thoughts are like Tweets, not articles, and much of the time links won't add anything. Also, I make some of the items vague on purpose to avoid triggering knee-jerk reactions. For example, the second item in this month's column is, "We hear of people jumping into cages at zoos so they can pet the animals. Sometimes the tigers and bears bite. Whose fault is it when they do?" That could be applied to a lot of different contexts, but if you apply it to feminism and men's issues, where might it lead?

  • JudgyBitch: "I think that's what 'Rape Culture' is: it's a giant rape fantasy."
  • We hear of people jumping into cages at zoos so they can pet the animals. Sometimes the tigers and bears bite. Whose fault is it when they do?
  • Women who succeed on their own are an affront to feminists.
  • Professional feminists feed on failure.
  • Just because I'm not looking at your face doesn't mean I'm staring at your breasts; as I think, my eyes tend to unfocus and drift down, and there's nothing sexual or sexist about it, so get over your bad self, stop judging me and I won't judge you.
  • When feminists quote wealthy and powerful men to condemn all men, it's a revolutionary act, but when the rest of us quote feminists to expose their sexism, it's an act of oppression.
  • In theory, progressivism favors progress toward better conditions; in practice, it substitutes big government for individual liberty to make us slaves of the state.
  • Feminists define the term "mansplaining" as being when a man assumes a woman knows less than he does about a subject, and explains it to her. The term reflects typically hypersensitive feminist arrogance. Men engage in "mansplaining" with one another all the time. It's a way to establish who knows what, and also to double check what is known because we can correct one another when the "mansplainer" gets it wrong.
  • Feminists say no one should have to deal with unwanted advances, but how will anybody know they're unwanted if nobody ever makes advances?
  • Liberty is gender-inclusive.
  • The Libertarian Party is male-positive and female-positive.
  • Feminists hate the Libertarian Party because it represents everything feminists say they want and does it without hate or government programs.
  • More government is not the answer to feminist hate.
  • For women, real gender equality would mean equal penalties and prison time, duties and obligations, blame and shame, equally feared and shunned, killed and controlled; for men, equal health care and lifespan, concern and support, protection and love.
  • The arguments for feminist bigotry are either incomprehensible or insulting because there is no reasonable justification for it.
  • Ron Paul may have lost the 2012 General Election, but he created a legacy that will endure far beyond that of the other Republican candidates.
  • Ron Paul: "I don't see people in groups, I don't see rights as designated women's rights or gay rights or minority rights or anything, there's individual rights: everybody has an individual right to their life and they should be treated equally under the law."
  • Feminism used to be the radical notion that women are people, until it became the radical notion that all men are rapists, that testosterone is not cost-effective and that the world should be run only by women and only for women.
  • A movement that devolves into anything goes as long as it disapproves of "them" and celebrates "us" is nothing but a hate movement, and that's what feminism has become.
  • Feminists hate successful women who refuse to play victims of the evil, never-to-be-sufficiently damned patriarchal hegemony.
  • Upwardly mobile white feminists have yet to explain to me how they are victimized by working class American Indian men.
  • It's a myth that if you go to college and earn a degree you will automatically earn more money. If you work more hours at a job or business and pursue promotions you're more likely to make more money, but there are few guarantees in life.
  • The Men's Rights Movement is not opposed to equality for women, but is opposed to negatively stereotyping and demonizing men.
  • Following Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape and The Women's Room: A Novel, everyman became a rapist; following Anita Hill, everyman became a sexual harasser; following Jennifer Patri, everyman became a wife batterer; following the first Shortchanging Girls, Shortchanging America report from the AAUW, every college man became a roadblock to women's achievement; following the Mary Koss-Ms. Magazine Rape Campus Survey, every fourth woman became a sexual assault and rape victim of men; following Men Are Not Cost-Effective: Male Crime in America, everyman became a waste of space. Second- and Third-Wave Feminism have both contributed to the perception that feminism is a hate-movement that morphed from "Feminism is the Radical Notion That Women Are People" into "Feminism is the Radical Notion That Only Feminists Are People."
  • Like the Slut Walkers, the FEMEN protesters are just attention whores. Most men find them funny, entertaining and irrelevant. The people they offend the most are other women.
  • Mainstream writers are adopting a phrase I coined 25 years ago--pop feminism--at the very time I'm abandoning it. The reason I'm abandoning it is because the intention of the term is to distinguish between legitimate and sexist feminism, and the distinction is false: feminism is a hate movement and all feminisms are sexist.
  • Just as the Nazis sought a "solution" for their imagined "Jewish Problem," just as President Andrew Jackson sought a "solution" for his imagined "Indian Problem," now we have feminists seeking a "solution" for their imagined "masculinity problem."
  • Are government agencies buying millions of bullets in preparation for imposing a police state, or to avoid a shortage because citizens are arming themselves against the threat of a police state?
  • Are more female teachers raping their students, or has it always been endemic and more female rapists are simply getting caught?
  • The number of female teachers being exposed as sexual predators is skyrocketing, in some states increasing by almost 50% year over year; is this because more of them are becoming predators, or because it is now being treated as a crime rather than as a treat?
  • If the government can impose a tax on the principal held in a savings accounts, what's to stop them from taxing securities that have not appreciated in brokerage accounts?
  • A new study found that more than half of women voters are feminists. Which is to say more than half of women voters are hate-spreading whiners and complainers. Were I a woman, I'd be insulted by that study.
  • Feminists wear female victimization like moth-eaten shawl handed down to them from antiquity.
  • As an American Indian child I was snubbed, sneered at by racist White teachers who looked the other way when the White children gathered into groups to beat me with fists and sticks and stones; as a working student paying my own way through college when I went to the Office of Minority Affairs at the University of Washington in Seattle, I was snubbed by racist Black administrators, who sneered, "we don't have anything for people like you"; and in 2012 on Facebook I was snubbed by a racist White upper middle class female progressive Democrat, who sneered that, despite being an Indian, as a Republican I know nothing of racism.
  • "Feminists work for equal gender rights," once true, has for more than 20 years been a lie.
  • “Check your privilege!” is the new feminist silencing slogan. It presumes the feminist bigots know everything, are the ultimate victims, and anybody who has a diverse point of view is an evil feminist-oppressing rape-culture celebrating bad boy with a too cool for kittens haircut. It's another example of how feminism has become a hate movement.
  • Feminists keep trying to fool everybody into thinking there are billions of them by portraying every act of defiance by a woman as a feminist stand against the fantasy of an evil male hegemony.
  • In a Washington Post article in the 1970s Gloria Steinem wrote that feminism was for equal rights for men, too. Twenty years later she wrote that feminism was for women's rights, only, and men were on their own. Now we see feminists claiming they're for men, too. As the saying goes, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." Don't be fooled, guys, feminism is a hate movement.
  • The most enduring part of the "Reagan Miracle" was Alan Greenspan's bubble machine: Fed policy that created a series of economic bubbles.
  • People who make excessive use of the word, “no,” do so solely for their own benefit, to hold others down so they can be on top.
  • If "prepping" is goofy, then why is Uncle Sam a prepper?
  • Passive-Aggressive behavior is more insidious than aggressive behavior because it is dishonest.
  • The more radical feminist hate groups get, the stronger the Movement for the Establishment of Real Gender Equality (AKA Men's Rights Movement) will get.
  • The Sexual Revolution was always intended to increase access to women for upper class men.
  • The reason there is no groundswell of solidarity between women and men around feminism is because feminist leaders do not want real gender equality, but power.


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Rod Van Mechelen, Publisher & Editor,
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