The Backlash! - Things that make you go, "hmmm - September 2006
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In this column I pose questions and raise issues. I don't always agree with the conclusion, implied or stated. The purpose is to put a slightly different spin on each item and to promote discussion.

  • Robin Hood did not "take from the rich and give to the poor," but recovered confiscated property from the government and returned it to the people.
  • Feminists have erased the distinction between anger and frustration.
  • Whenever I see signs that read, "Stop the War," my impulse is to ask, "Which one?"
  • Throughout history, humankind has fought over resources, insults, and less.
  • For all its faults and bloody history, the British Empire spread a more civil tradition. The United States, for all its faults, has inherited their role. Someday that role may pass on to another nation. Six years ago my attention turned to India, and not just because their women are hot. They could quite possibly be the next superpower.
  • The occupation of the Americas by disease‑ridden invaders was inevitable. The only question was, by whom? Had some historical "accident" brought conquerors from Asia or Africa, instead of Europe, there would be no American Indian tribes today.
  • Historically and traditionally, American Indian tribes were conservative in the sense exemplified in Edmund Burke's description of a statesman as having "a disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve."
  • In what they say on the radio, Michael Medved and Thom Hartmann agree more than they disagree.
  • To put the fun back into American politics, recruit candidates whose campaigns are serious in every respect but one: they parody the mean‑spirited, vicious character assassination so common today. To make it an inside joke leak this planned parody to the press but neither confirm nor deny it, and then let everybody laugh as they lampoon one another.
  • When progressive liberals say that 'intolerance of intolerance is intelligence," they mean that it's intelligent to be intolerant.
  • When progressive liberals say that they discriminate against bigots, they mean that they discriminate.
  • When progressive liberals say, "fair pay is a moral issue," they mean that the state, not the free market, should set wages.
  • When progressive liberals say, "racism is a moral issue," they mean that it's moral to be racist against white men.
  • When progressive liberals say, "poverty is a moral issue," they mean that it's moral to take from those who work to support those who don't.
  • When progressive liberals say, "violence is a moral issue," they mean that only their violence is moral.
  • When progressive liberals say, "torture is a moral issue," they mean that kinky‑sex torture is moral.
  • When progressive liberals say, "war is a moral issue," they mean that it's moral to make war on Israel.
  • When progressive liberals say, "greed is a moral issue," they mean that it's moral to covet and confiscate capitalists' "excess property."
  • Anybody who owns a rental property or stocks is a capitalist. According to MarketWatch, in 2004 more than 49 percent of American families owned "stock either directly or indirectly through a mutual fund or retirement account."
  • When progressive liberals say, "pollution is a moral issue," they mean that it's moral to trash the location of their protests. Well, okay, maybe that's not what they mean but in my experience wherever there's a liberal, progressive, or progressive‑liberal rally, protest, demonstration or gathering, they leave a lot of trash behind.
  • When progressive liberals say that sexism is a moral issue, they mean that it's moral to be sexist against men.
  • Progressive Liberals promote the fallacy that progressivism equals progress. But its agenda supports feminism and labor, homosexual rights, illegal immigration and environmentalism, and opposes globalization. Distinctly socialist, it promotes nationalization of industry, housing and healthcare, and supports abolition of the Senate. — Progressivism in the United States.
  • Progressive Liberals laud any woman who claims to be an "Opinionated Feminist" but reveal the true nature of what they believe that means when they spit rage at any man who claims to be an "Opinionated Masculist."
  • Progressive Liberals proclaim that, "real men aren't sheep: be yourself," by which they mean, "real men behave like the feminist stereotypes of men in support of the progressive liberal agenda: bellicose, domineering, loud, violent, aggressive progressive."
  • Progressive Liberal Values: Share with those who have less unless they disagree with the progressive‑liberal agenda; Educate our children and ourselves to stereotype and fear conservatives; Honor the rights of all people unless they are conservatives or men accused of sexual discrimination; Reduce, reuse and recycle intellectual waste; Resolve conflict without violence, be passive‑aggressive; Pretend that it is a progressive‑liberal act to plant gardens for food and beauty; Spend time together vilifying conservatives; Use alternative sources of energy; Respect progressive‑liberal elders, shout down conservative elders; Use civil liberties to offend; Vote for progressive‑liberals in every election; Judge ideas on their progressive‑liberal merits, not on their sources; Welcome progressive‑liberal ideas, laugh at conservative ideas; Avoid budget deficits, declare bankruptcy; Allow for a diversity of progressive‑liberal beliefs and behaviors; Question traditional authority and civil authorities; Presume progressive‑liberals are innocent but men and conservatives are guilty; Never vote Conservative.
  • Conservative Values: Share with those who have less, including how to have more; Educate our children and ourselves to know what we know, which is the short definition of integrity, and to be curious about what we don't know; Honor the rights of all people unless they are convicted pedophiles, rapists or murderers; Employ efficient means without sacrificing our humanity in the process; Resolve conflicts; Plant a garden for food and beauty, as many conservatives do; Spend time together celebrating life, companionship, Creation and the Creator; Utilize sources of energy; Respect one another and challenge yourself; Got civil liberties, thank our veterans, who defend them; Vote in every election; Judge ideas on their virtues, not their popularity; Learn throughout life, and laugh at yourself; Pay your debts; Be curious about the beliefs and behaviors of others, and celebrate your own; Authorities are subject to human frailty so hold them to high standards, correct them when they fail and forgive them when they have earned it; Presume innocence; Never vote ignorantly.
  • Feminists assert that an accusation of domestic violence can be legitimately based on nothing more than claim than that "he made me afraid." If they are correct, then it is equally legitimate for one to claim "she made me angry" as a defense.
  • If anger causes fear, then which party is responsible for that fear, the one who is angry, or the one who caused the anger?
  • "Always remember that if a U.S. company can hire a young Indian engineer at a fraction of the salary of a young U.S. engineer, even if both have identical math and science training, the employer will probably hire the lower-cost engineer in India." That's what the newspaper article said, and it's right. But employers should also remember that, in times of war, it's not the Indian engineer whom the United States can draft to protect them.
  • From 1882 to 1968, records indicate that 4,473 people in America were lynched, and that three‑quarters of them were black. Some 3,355 blacks lynched. That's bad. Also sad are the Asian, Caucasian and Indian victims who remain unacknowledged.
  • A lot of progressive‑liberals say we should "draft children of the wealthy" into military service. Given how the wealthy tend to gravitate toward the left, this would lead to drafting a lot of progressive‑liberals.
  • Following the Supreme Court decision granting the state of Kansas the right to collect sales tax at Indian‑owned gas stations on Indian reservations, most, if not all, states will want to follow suit. So they collect the taxes, which could theoretically lead to states maintaining reservation roads, which would allow states to claim that as long as they're maintaining the roads they ought to have jurisdiction, too, which could overturn tribal sovereignty because, after all, we're all Americans and everybody ought to be treated precisely the same, no "special privileges" for anybody, following which said victory turns Pyrrhic when progressive‑liberal gleefully hijack it as their vehicle to victory over inheritance and all other property rights.
  • Most members of modern American Indian Tribes probably agree that there exists an enduring moral order; that it is appropriate to adhere to custom, convention, and continuity; that it is right to give honor to our ancestors upon whose shoulders we stand; that it is wise to be prudent; that we should celebrate diversity; that it is good to laugh at yourself because all of us make mistakes; that prosperity and freedom are good; that treating everybody like replaceable parts in a big machine is bad; that tyranny is bad; and that for a community to remain healthy change is necessary, but for a community to remain stable, that change must be gradual. In agreeing with these things, as I do, they will discover, as I did, that Indian Tribes are Conservative, for these are Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles


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Rod Van Mechelen, Publisher & Editor,
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