The Backlash! - November 1997

Organization News - Fathers' Rights Association - FRA email
P.O. Box 2202 Albany NY 12220
Phone: (518) 374-2346

Free legal help

For women only - men need not apply

One of the big money items in this year's New York state budget was to get money for "free" legal help for domestic violence victims. If a woman can somehow make herself a victim of domestic violence then she can get free legal aid.

No help for men: Women have learned that if they can provoke their partner into doing anything that can be construed as domestic violence, then they have won the battle of who gets the kids and who gets the money.

Fathers are important

But children need both parents. 85% of all youths in prison grew up in fatherless homes. 80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger came from fatherless homes. 77% of child physical abuse is committed in single parent homes. 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes.

The American Psychological Association (APA) supports joint custody

No objections to shared parenting hold up against the APA's review of all joint custody studies and reports.

In New York state, 93% of the parental dispute cases result in complete effective (sole/primary physical) control over children being given to mothers.

Joint "Custody" arrangements are recommended for the children by the latest, most authoritative APA summary in their recent exhaustive review of all the relevant studies.

The APA Summary found that joint "custody" arrangements result in "increased father contact and involvement with children," reduced parental conflict, and reduced litigation and costs. Children don't need primary caregivers, they need mothers and fathers.

All parents, in New York, must open their eyes and ask why have 35 other states never rescinded, but only strengthened or clarified, their enacted preferred or presumptive joint custody/shared parenting statutes in the last 25 years while New York does not even recognize, in statute, that a child has a legal right to both parents?

Women's Bar Association opposes shared parenting

The Women's Bar Association of New York state and National Organization for Women consider shared parenting dangerous. Why?

How is shared parenting "...very dangerous...," as stated by the president of the New York state chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW), Lois Shapiro-Canter?

Without a shared parenting statute in New York, no New York parent can assume that they, legally or otherwise, are the equal to the other parent. If the other parent argues the point, often using unsubstantiated false allegations which are accepted by our courts through whatever tactics may suit the court's purpose.

One parent should not have control over the other parent. This is not the proper, "equitable rights and equal opportunities" environment in which to raise our children.

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