The Backlash! - July 1997

Organization News - Seattle MEN
Ian Washburn
4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Suite 220
Seattle, WA 98103 206-545-3736

Help Man Our New Center

Just in time for summer, Seattle M.E.N. and M.E.N. Magazine has moved to a new and larger space, right across the hall from our old offices.

Now that we have a men's center, the next step is to man it during normal business hours.

Responsibilities include answering the phone as well as meeting and greeting visitors.

Requirements include a commitment of at least six regularly scheduled hours a week, at least until the end of the third quarter, September 30, 1997.

This is a non-paid position at this point, but may develop into a paid position in the fourth quarter.

So come spend a few hours a week of your summer, here at the Seattle Men's Evolvement Network center, also the home of M.E.N. Magazine. Our building is in the middle of gorgeous Meridian Park. Seattle Tilthe has their gardens and offices here, as do forty other dynamic non-profit organizations, staffed by scores of interesting people.. Three blocks south is 45th Avenue, with movie theatres, restaurants, and a real neighborhood life. Our new center is a great place to be.

"Evolvement equals Involvement. Get involved with Seattle M.E.N."

Interested parties call us at 206-545-3736.

Famed trial-lawyer Gerry Spence was in town this month, and I spent a morning at his "Making of a Trial Lawyer" workshop at the University of Washington. My attempt to get a spontaneous interview with him failed due to his tight itinerary, but I was able to give him a copy of M.E.N. magazine and have him autograph several copies of his books to us. For those who don't know, Gerry Spence goes after insurance companies and the government on the part of average people. Most recently he helped Randy Weaver of Ruby Ridge fame. He's also responsible for the Karen Silkwood estate winning their claims, a while back. He is a dynamic orator, and it was great to see him up close and personal. More about the experience with Gerry in the August issue.

In recent months we've been mailing M.E.N. magazine to a great many readers whose subscriptions are not current. Unfortunately, we can't afford to continue to send out so many free copies each month. If you wish to continue or being deliver of the magazine, please subscribe. The cost is only $20.00 US per year.

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Copyright © 1997 by New Chivalry Press

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