The Backlash! - July 1997

The Reamed Team?

Is holding men to "Church Lady" standards, and women to no standards, the new American way?

by Robert Sides
Copyright © 1997 by Robert Sides

While men reinvent the wheel, feminists re-contour the landscape. Look at this current Army brouhaha: rough-tough Rambas cry because they got love letters. Or gave blow jobs and still had to run the obstacle course (slower than men, of course).

Will there be any punishment for the women? Three had consensus sex with instructors. Isn't that forbidden in the oath they took? Will the gals be punished, or only the guys? If the standards in the military are dumbed-down for women, why not for instructors? Why hold male instructors to Church Lady moral standards when women are considered "soldiers" for running around walls they can't climb over?

We treat men like swine, women like babies.

A woman cried rape at Tailhook. She later admitted she'd lied. Was she ever punished? A little girl asked Jonathan Prevette to kiss her. Was she punished? No. Women are never punished because men won't crack the whip. They're too busy collecting data that goes nowhere, does nothing.

Look at VMI and The Citadel: both brought down by women. Look at the Navy, and now the Army, both rocked by women. Who has the real power in this culture? Men or vaginates?

Women want to be considered soldiers. Once in the military, however, they want to be treated like weak-kneed Nellies. Ten male drill instructors are being nailed for "sexual misconduct." Jesus! We want Caspar Milquetoasts in the service.

Why let military women wear make-up and "female-specific" uniforms? Why make only men fight and die? Why not impose exactly the same treatment -- haircuts, uniforms, standards, showers, etc.? The enforced closeness and sameness would take off the sexual charge.

There are mandatory rape-prevention classes for all new Army recruits: what an insult to men! Why no womandatory classes for women on how to respect men? It's South Pacific 1996. Guys do the dirty work and praise females ("There ain't nothin' like a dame..."). Women do the cushy jobs and put-down males ("I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair...")

Do men speak up? No. So women grab more and more and more.

One of the military judges asked if the DI had "testosterone overload." How insulting, as if hormones make the man. Will the female soldiers be asked if they were "hot-to-trot"? "On-the-rag"? Why no punishment for women staring at male buns?

Men in the military have always been treated differently than women (being drafted and having their manhood mocked-- "Pick up the pace, you wuss!"). So why not sue? Blacks go after Texaco. Women go after Afstra and the military. Why should men only make cybraries?

Fuck US! Will we ever wake up and start fighting?

On the TV and radio they bash men. Few men note the ubiquitous misandry, fewer still fight it. Lenore Weitzman's "study"? Fucked millions of fathers. Yet for 10 years no male even asked to look at her findings. We're sheep walking merrily to slaughter, eating scraps of lamb on the way.

We should be fucking angry. Other groups now go after "subtle" forms of discrimination, having won the more obvious battles. Yet men, who're still expected to be front-line grunts (and non-custodial parents), protest not. If one group wants candy, and the other doesn't mind theirs being taken, guess what happens? You get American men: the Reamed Team!

Public television now covers WWI. Over 1.4 million men died in just one battle, The Somme. Yet the show treats a woman diarist (safely behind lines, knitting soldiers' socks) the same as 10,000 guys driven mad from 7-day bombardments. And all around is modern men's silence.

It should make us livid.

The AAUW continues to lament America's giving girls short shrift in education. Yet it's boys who are failing, dropping out, and killing themselves. N.O.W. weeps for women whose tits are ogled in coed armies; yet men's groups do nothing knowing 1/3 of all homeless men are vets. Guys think it cool that only men in coed armies fight. When we send men to Bosnia or Zaire or elsewhere we don't even bother to mention gender any more. We know only males go. So we call them troops, Americans, soldiers, paratroopers, or forces.

What an insult!

They set up a national hotline for women regarding DV. They also set up one for women regarding sexism in the military. Why no hotline for male soldiers, telling them it's their duty to report abuses of males? Why no toll-free tally of all events where men get treated differently than women?

What feminists like to hear from the femme-phony-toughguys: "Why ask why, Bud? Just die, men, die." Question is, are we going to keep on putting up with it, or do something about it?

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