The Backlash! - January 1997


Organization News - Purple Hearts Campaign
Christopher Robin
2297 Holly Drive Hollywood, CA. 90068

Family court: the common enemy

by Christopher Robin

Fathers are the civilized members of families. We allow for diversity. We listen to all sides without being childish. We are the mature members of our society. We want what is best for our children.

It is rare that a father alienates his children from the other parent. According to Dr. Len Bergantino, one of the nations foremost experts in parental alienation, 95% of all alienation is done by the female. She lost her mate whom she thought she would have forever... and therefore her major means of controlling and punishing is to get as much money as possible from the father...and at the same time keep the child away from their fathers. The sad part of all of this is...even though 93% of all Family Law judges are male, the courts not only allow this to happen, they encourage, demand and enforce it.

As the more mature and stable parent, we fathers must fight harder to remain, at least, equal parents. If we insist on alienating our children from their mothers, we are no better than they who wish to keep our children from us. It may gall us to say or think these things but remember, we are the mature, we are the rock that the world depends on to earn it's keep. We are the soldiers but also the peacemakers, we are the farmers, the fishermen, the factory workers, we are the fathers.

Granted, there may be millions among us who plant the seed, disappear and deny fathering their own children. But, for the rest of us who are the models of strength and kindness, we love and nurture our children and are needed desperately by them to be their examples.

It's time for us men and fathers to take back the powers we have lost. The constant erosion of the value of men and fathers, all races and creeds, must be reversed. The only way this is going to happen is if we have the courage to stand together. It's important to argue, yell, fight, disagree, battle about everything that concerns us. It doesn't matter if we launder our difference in public view as long as we finish the conflict as friends in combat with the common enemy. The enemy is the system of unlawful activity in Family courts.

Family law judges are just attorneys! And they are controlling the world...and they are denying children and parents all over the world our civil rights. OUR CIVIL RIGHTS! Children need their fathers. Fathers are needed to raise their children! Our prisons are filled with people who grew up without their fathers. Do we need any more proof than that?

Children need fathers, not big brothers

Women are not our enemy. Most of us have wonderful supportive women in our lives. We, you and I, had a major conflict with that one woman...a woman who was the love of our lives for a while. She probably misses you more than she would ever admit...but now, she insists on making life a living hell for you for eternity!

We are men. After the fight, we learn to compromise, to plan what is best for all families all over the world. What's best for the world is ...Fathers and Mothers who are willing to "get over it" and do what's best for the children...our futures.

Let's face it. Just like you, my ex-wife hates me more than anything else in the world. She hates me so much, she is willing to allow my child to go to sleep every night with a broken heart. Yes, for a while, I felt that same way...but only for a very short time. When I observed the harm that hate is doing to my wonderful child, I have tried everything in my power to beg her to change her attitudes for the child's sake.

Are you as men willing to shake hands and work together for the good of our children? Are you willing to make peace with the mate who has sworn to destroy you?

It takes a real man to forgive someone who has sworn to ruin his life forever.. It is very difficult...but we must set the example! Women are not fathers! We fathers must forgive... to teach out children about forgiveness.

Let's focus our energies against the common enemy rather than destroying each other. Women are not the enemy.

Each time you go to Family court and walk out feeling like a criminal...each time you leave family court, and leave with your hopes and dreams smashed, you realize who the enemy really is.

For those of you who are not familiar with me, I'm a vocal coach and non- custodial parent fighting hard for justice for all of us to have equal rights. The Purple Hearts on my home were just a display of love and frustration.

I have one new PURPLE HEART on my old Hollywood Hills home...(Clark Gable's home...for those of you who are new on the list) for each day I have not seen my son Christopher Robin Jr. Now there are more than 265 hearts from size 8 inches to 28 inches high all over this old 4 story home.

Not one picture of this home has been printed in any newspaper, magazine, television news report, etc. to date...although it is the only home in the world with Purple Hearts on it... Any idea why? Could it be because a man lives there who is fighting for fathers and children's right? Am I paranoid?

NO... You all understand the media don't you? If Richard Simmons had his home painted with hearts, Jay Leno would do a special from that Purple Hearted House! If Barbara Streisand had a home with Purple Hearts all over it, it would be on every newspaper front page in color...every news cast in the world. Yet...this spectacular sight has yet to be noticed.

We will continue to attract attention to our plight in subtle ways...and one day, we will get noticed. See all those heart-rendering stories where a father and his son are reunited after 25 years. Isn't that wonderful...and yet, here we are...hoping not to be news story on Hard Copy, meeting with our children after they are grandparents. Fight on, my friends. We have very much in common!

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