The Backlash! - January 1997

Organization News - National Coalition of Free Men
P.O. Box 129 Manhasset, NY 11030

Resources available

by Tom Williamson

NCFM has a qualified volunteer who acts as a counsellor on men's issues. He has certified training and experience working with other agencies. He has dealt with such topics as Aids, Suicide attempts, alcholism and other various problems - emotional and work related.

He is also very good in the divorce and custody area. He takes calls from out of state and can refer callers to local father's rights groups from the Children's Rights Council directory. What he specializes in are "options and strategies" for those who already have attorneys.

He has also dealt with false accusation of sexual harassment and false accusation of rape. His/our main referral for false accusations of rape is Ken Pangborn. This does not mean that he ceases to have involvement when Pangborn gets involved. There still need to be suggestions, opinions and handholding.

Successful referrals to Pangborn are limited, because Ken charges what seems to some to be a lot. That is Okay. We will try and qualify a candidate before we send him. We also make sure people are aware of VOCAL and we can give advice about the workings of the legal system. Many people can not be helped directly, because low cost or free legal services are not available. Let's be real.

To say the least, our counsellor, himself a volunteer, goes through periods of burnout. I guess that is to be expected and, in part, accounts for times when he does not call people back as fast as he could or should. Having said that, I can attest that for many he has performed a very valuable service. I just want to keep things in perspective. Neither he, nor we, are miricle workers.

The hot line number is (516) 794-5151. When people call, if they get the answering machine, they should state several time periods (more than one) when it is best to call them back. Our counsellor will either call them back "collect," or he will call at our expense (depending on the moment's decision). People should expect a collect call. If he doesn't call collect, he will ask them to call him back. In other words, we are not funded, so people are expected to pay for the call. Our advice is free. Also, people will be requested to support NCFM.

NCFM does NOT take requests for help by letter or by e-mail. Persons wishing services must call our hot line number. Also, NCFM has a rather unique Web page with free files that can be downloaded. Some of them (in particular our well researched presentations before public bodies) can be of assistance to attorneys and their clients. Additionally, we have some specialized research for sale on battered men, unequal sentencing in the criminal courts, and men's health. Check it out!

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