- January 2001

Some provocative quotes


Maybe, at least in the context of Western industrial democracies, what we need at this stage is not a women's movement at all but a gender equality movement -- one clearly committed to fairness and equity for individuals regardless of sex, not just to the empowerment or betterment of women.

- Cathy Young, Salon, January 2000

The growing educational disparity is most probably affecting the dynamics of mating: in 1970 American women aged 25 to 44 with a bachelor's or higher degree were outnumbered by their male counterparts 58 to 100, but in 1998 they outnumbered males 104 to 100, a ratio that will increase. This difference suggests that educated women will have a harder time finding a comparably educated mate.

- Rodger Doyle, "Men, Women and College," Scientific American, October 1999

Like most of today's movies about relationships, "What Women Really Want" is relentlessly anti-male. Men are dense. Men are crude. Men are self-centered. Men just don't listen. From the Oprah-Rosie vineyards comes a fine whine.

- Don Feder, Feminists really want neutered males, Jewish World Review, December 26, 2000

NOW is regressive, fighting dated political battles, "whoring for the Democratic Party," as Camille Paglia puts it, fund-raising by stereotyping conservatives as enemies of women.

- Suzanne Fields, Washington Times, January 4, 2001

My grandmother was a very nasty woman. ... I don't think she should have been left near children. Zero comfort zone, frightening, aggressive. Occasionally physically quite violent.

- Ben Kingsley, "Grandmother's racism made Kingsley a star," Sunday Times, January 7, 2001

It's about time to insist on equal accountability for women and equal compassion for men.

- Cathy Young, Boston Globe, January 10, 2001

The dirty secret of the divorce industry is that child support has little to do with supporting children and everything to do with increasing the power of adults: judges, lawyers, district attorneys, social workers, bureaucratic police and many others who have a vested interest in separating as many children as possible from their fathers.

- Stephen Baskerville, Insight, April 7, 2000

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

- Martin Luther King Jr.

It is still true, for example, that despite our well-placed concern about "hate crimes," a black person is far more likely to be murdered by another black than by anyone else.

- Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune, January 14, 2001

This year, the United States achieved a dubious distinction: It surpassed Russia as the world leader in imprisonment, with one in every 130 people living behind bars. The U.S. prison population has soared above 2 million, and most of those inmates are locked up for nonviolent crimes.

- Jennifer Gonnerman, "Roaming Rikers," Village Voice December 13 - 19, 2000

Young people are always attracted to the part of Marx which demands that capitalism live up to its potential. It's not hard for them to understand the theory of surplus value or why workers get ripped off.

- John Ehrenberg, chairman of the political science department at Long Island University, The Post-Seattle Generation Gets Its Marx Druthers, January 17 - 23, 2001, Village Voice


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