- November 2000

Some provocative quotes


Today, a woman's biology is a man's destiny.

- Warren Farrell

(W)here women are sometimes considered to have better relevant people skills than about saying (affirmative action) should aim to employ more men who have less developed people skills because it would discriminate against men to set the same people skills standards for them as for women?

- Peter Zohrab, Sex, Lies & Feminism

First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.

- Gandhi

Cigarettes are the only legal product that, when used as directed, cause death.

- Anna Quindlen, Newsweek, July 31, 2000

The people who vote decide nothing. The people who count the vote decide everything.

- Joseph Stalin

An election is not a horse race, where you can gain by predicting the winner. An election is your chance to tell the government what you really want. The lesser of two evils, is still evil. All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good people to do nothing. When good people support evil, then evil triumphs much more quickly. You do not become a winner, because you supported the winner. You become a winner, because the winner believes as you believe. Support what you really believe in.

- John Perna, November 2000

Nope, I'm just an ordinary guy with nothing left to lose.

- "Lester Burnham," American Beauty

Sexual McCarthyism is real. But it hardly started with Ken Starr or Bill Clinton. As a national epidemic, it began seven years earlier when Anita Hill's allegations of sexual harassment nearly torpedoed the Supreme Court nomination of Clarence Thomas.

- Cathy Young, Ceasefire

Yuppies believed greed was good; yetties (young, entrepreneurial technocrats) believe that greed is a given and they don't give a damn about the numbers. While it is about the money, it's not about the money. The greed is just accepted. What matters is that you have a better idea than anyone else because then you rule the world.

- Sam Sifton, Newsweek, November 2000

My goal is to be at the forefront of the development of the FM Talk format. We have figured out how to get ratings and make money from the show. I want to spread the gospel of FM Talk to every market in America.

- Tom Leykis, Radio Ink,October 16, 2000

Both George W. Bush and Al Gore, sons of power and privilege, made shameless claim to the Jes' Plain Folks identity in their respective convention acceptance speeches, embracing memories of their supposedly humble pasts.

- Charles Paul Freund, The New Presidential Identity , Reason, November 2000

(S)omething important in America's internal mechanism will have been broken. The result in the next four years will be deeper bitterness and partisanship than we have seen in many years - true fury.

- Lance Morrow, TIME, November 16, 2000

Why should more than a million-and-a-half California supporters of George W. Bush see all 54 of the state's electoral votes go to Al Gore? ... In short, what is wrong with apportioning each state's electoral votes in accordance with the way the state's electorate voted?

- William Raspberry, A No-win Situation, Washington Post, November 10, 2000


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