- October 2000

Some provocative quotes


One reason we think men express more anger is because we tend to interpret as "anger" in a man what we would call "fear" in a woman.

- Warren Farrell, Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say

Each time the argument has been that the Democrats aren't as bad as the Republicans. Once you accept the argument of voting for the lesser of two evils, the logic of that has no boundaries. You can go on for a century justifying that.

- Ralph Nader, A Closer Look at the Candidate, The Boston Globe, July 30, 2000, Page F7

The reality is that healthy economies don't necessarily build healthy societies. ... A sixty-hour workweek will permit employers to schedule each employee to exhaustion.

- George W. Bush Accepts Nomination

We can have a democratic society or we can have great concentrated wealth in the hands of a few. We cannot have both.

- Justice Louis Brandeis, 1856-1941

I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow - until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.

- President Abraham Lincoln, 1864

Young women ... have been raised in a power-girl culture that rejects male-pleasing while simultaneously urging women to suck, stuff and stretch their bodies into buff shapes that rivet male attention.

- Kathleen Parker, Orlando Sentinel, October 4, 2000

How can you have equality in the workplace when you're banking on inequality at home?

- Peggy Orenstein, author of Flux, Mercury News, September 30, 2000

In reality, both men and women can be irresponsible and exploitative.

- Cathy Young, author of Ceasefire, Boston Globe, October 8, 2000

Victimization is central to the Girl Scout worldview, as the organization continues to propagate the now discredited notion that the nation's girls are a tribe of desperate Ophelias.

- Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review, October 23, 2000

Leykis 101--Golden Rules for Men: Don't speak to women you work with unless it's related directly to work. Don't date them. Don't tell them they look nice. Don't comment on anything except whatever work needs you have, because you're a walking lawsuit waiting to happen.

- Tom Leykis, Willamette Week,October 11, 2000

For all our obsession with the speed of change, we have forgotten how vulnerable we are to it. We have forgotten how what goes up - the economy - can come down. We have forgotten that peace is fragile and the world is a dangerous place.

- Ellen Goodman, The Boston Globe, October 12, 2000

More and more schoolboys inhabit a milieu of disapproval. Routinely regarded as protosexists, potential harassers, and perpetuators of gender inequity, boys live under a cloud of censure, in a permanent state of culpability.

- Christina Hoff Sommers, War Against Boys

What is today derided as isolationism was the foreign policy under which the Republic grew from thirteen states on the Atlantic into a continent-wide nation that dominated the hemisphere and whose power reached to Peking.

- Patrick J. Buchanan, A Republic, Not an Empire


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