- September 2000

Some provocative quotes


Nowadays, you have to boil people before you sleep with them; care for a bath?

- General's Daughter

You know beautiful women, they encourage you one minute and cut the legs out from under you the next.

- "Jim West," Wild West, 1999

I believe in grace because I've seen it, and peace because I've felt it, and forgiveness because I've needed it.

- George W. Bush Accepts Nomination

We must welcome and promote truly free trade. But I say to you: it must be fair trade. We must set standards to end child labor, to prevent the exploitation of workers and the poisoning of the environment. Free trade can and must be -- and if I'm President, will be -- a way to lift everyone up, not bring anyone down to the lowest common denominator.

- Al Gore Accepts Nomination

You can't defend policies that are based on group preferences as opposed to individual opportunities, which is what America has always been about.

- Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, 1995 Democratic Leadership Council, The Boston Globe, August 11, 2000

(Seattle men) look like the men I see in L.A. when 'The Phantom of the Opera' will play the Pantages Theatre. At the intermission you'll see all these guys standing around - the straight guys will be standing around, all downing these $8 Johnny Walker Blacks, wishing the whole thing would be over, like they have a gun to their heads. That's how guys look here all the time.

- Tom Leykis, Shock jock Tom Leykis strikes a receptive chord in men - and brings in plenty of static, too, The Seattle Times, August 13, 2000

Feminism is too female-centered and not enough human being-centered. (Liberal feminists) act as if men and children aren't part of the human race.

- Anita Blair, President, Independent Women's Forum, Washington Post, August 13, 2000

Nevertheless, Lieberman may actually deflect another charge of anti-Semitism, one in which Jews are portrayed as monolithically left wing. ... up until the 19th century, Jews were among the most conservative elements of society. ... It was Jew-baiting by the right in Europe and America that turned most Jews into supporters of moderate and liberal causes.

- David D. Perlmutter, Christian Science Monitor

Modern people approach marriage like it's a Bosnia-Serbia negotiation. Marriage is no longer as attractive to men.

- Danielle Crittenden, TIME, Single By Choice, August 28, 2000

Women tend to be more time-pressed than men, as they are more often heads of households making important decisions for their families regarding health and wellness, social activities, vacation and financial planning.

- Media Metrix & Jupiter Communications report, August 2000

The deprivation of male role models is so pervasive and the impact so powerful that recent studies show that even when income was the same, both the boy and the girl child did better brought up by a single dad than a single mom.

- Warren Farrell, , Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say

Two studies of emergency room admissions, one by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics and one by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suggest that approximately 1 percent of women's injuries are caused by male partners.

- Christina Hoff Sommers, War Against Boys

The nation America most needs to lock onto a democratic path is Russia. Yet, by making allies of countries once part of its empire, we treat Russia as the Allies treated Germany at Versailles, rubbing its nose in its defeat, pushing it outside the Western enclosure, virtually designating Russia a permanent enemy: To capture a pawn we are risking a queen.

- Patrick J. Buchanan, A Republic, Not an Empire


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