The Backlash! - June 1996

Vote Male Email

NOW, El Paso Del Norte

I have only one question. Since you men have been running things for the last few thousand years or so Dont you think you could have gotten it right by now. Its time that men moved out of the way and let the Women take charge. Just an observation... I think that about 99.99 per cent of the candidates running for office are male anyway. So what gives. Not feeling impotent or scared are you?
Editor: During the past several thousand years, almost 98 percent of men have not been running things. Yes, most of the power and authority have been wielded by roughly 2 percent of the male population and, in various and often different ways, by some portion of the female population; but to the bigot, if most of the overt power is in the hands of members of a particular identifiable group, then all members of that group are guilty and, as Marilyn French would have us believe, are culpable.

The notion of a universal flaw based on some shared and otherwise irrelevant characteristic is the premise which leads some members of one race to look down upon most or all members of another race (racism), and some members of one sex to look down upon most or all members of the opposite sex (sexism). This is the premise upon which your statement is predicated. Pure, unadulterated bigotry.

Am I feeling impotent? Not according to the few women I've allowed to share my bed. Scared, then? No, I'm hopeful that the majority of women and men, being reasonable, will agree that equal rights and responsibilities has more merit than the narcisistic demands of the hedonists who dare to sully the word by calling themselves feminists.

Spread the word

The Advocate, To WHom it May Concern: Your "Vote Mail" Icon has been prominently featured at our site.


Ready to go

Troy: Let me know how organized this is getting. I'll stand on a street corner and hold a banner, that is for sure. Are you getting many responses from people who will actually participate?

National Center for Men

Paul: Sure, add me to the list! I'll handle this assignment personally!

Be sure to tell them all to read the book "The Myth of Male Power" for them to get a good grasp on the power of the female vote!

Fighting for both sides

Charles: This sounds every interesting to me.I had more to say but no more time in which to say it.I'm very politically active in that I vote and try to keep up with the political scene. I should get more involved but I do not have the time I would like to devote.

Maybe someone can suggest a way around this.

I would like to thank you for your web article. I agree with what you are saying, but the problem I have is identifing the canidate who will represent the male position.

You talk about the President listening more to men than any other President,but what about doing more for men?

Laws need to be changed so that men will truly have the equal rights.Women over the past 30 years have been gaining theiir fair share towards equal rights.In the past ten years women have gone past the point of being equal in some areas. Areas such as child support and child custody. Sexual discrimination is an another area.

I f men and women are too be truly equal then we must elect someone who is going to fight for both siides not just one or the other.

Dang good stuff

Larry S.: I'm really enjoying The Backlash web site. Where can I find more of your stuff or similar material?


Charles H.: Let me know about anything you've got going on in NYC.

What choice?

John Elder, Wide Sky Men's Council: In response, The Backlash announces the "Vote Male campaign," As if we had a choice!
Editor: There's a difference between "vote for men" and "vote male." Think about it.


Steve H.: Turnabout is fair play, eh? It's evil when they do it, but virtue when we do it?

No. If misandry is wrong, then so is misogyny. It doesn't matter what gender a politician is, or a doctor or a policeman or a deadbeat or anyone else (with some exceptions I'm sure). I would rather urge everyone to vote on the issues, not on gender. Absolutely vote issues that are important to men, as long as they are fair and just. But don't vote for someone just because he is male. There are plenty of stiffs out there, male and female.

This to me is the completely wrong way to attack misandry. It is fighting fire with fire and will never decrease the hatred and anger. But maybe that is not your goal.

Editor: Did you come to the conclusion I would stoop to NOW's level before or after reading my article?

Might want to read it, first. thanks, rod

A personal backlash

Curt: Thanks for the warning about the fucking feminists. I will tune in and take a look at your site. My backlash during the last vote, was voting Republican for more candidates than I have in the past. Also, I vote for men whenever possible.

Take care. Hope things are going well!!

A good sound

Robert Sheaffer: Sounds good to me!

You might want to dig up a few of NOW's stronger pro-welfare statements and use some of them. I may have something like that in my files. If I can find it, I'll send it to you.

Yes: Vote Male. Say NO to the Party of Welfare, the Party of Quotas!

Did you visit my new Patriarchy web site yet??? I think you'll find it valuable. Please put a link to it in your Backlash page. I have a link to yours.

A good joke

Deborah S.: I was unable to approve the attached message because it had no explicit links to international and gender issues (the focus of femisa).

Deborah Stienstra, femisa co-moderator, Political Science/Women's Studies, University of Winnipeg

Editor: I'm sure our readers will agree with you. hee hee hee hee...that's funny. :-)

Great minds think alike?

Hugh Nations: Your "Vote Male" campaign is definitely a winner. It not only will have my full support, I suggest we expand it to include:


In recent years, gender feminism and political correctness have turned the entire political process into something resembling a Mel Brooks movie. Unfortunately, the film it resembles is not "Silent Movie": We still have to listen to politicos cower to the femmerhoids. So, let's no longer settle for a poor substitute. Mel Brooks for President!!!


One of the prime examples of just how badly a deficit-oriented government can screw things up is the Post Office. When I was a kid, we got mail delivered to our door twice a day for 3 cents a letter. Now, it costs us 32 cents to get a letter dropped off at curbside or in some abomination called a "cluster box." Assuming, that is, that the letter is delivered at all. Seems that all the letter carriers are either preoccupied avoiding psychiatric treatment, or are at the gun range firing at cardboard targets wearing uniforms suspiciously similar to those worn by postal supervisors. The answer, at least to poor mail service, is a nationwide referendum on a new federal law that would require the paychecks of postal employees to be >>mailed<< to them in unidentifiable envelopes at unspecified times. The postal supervisors are going to have to take care of the other problem themselves, and I, for one, know a couple who I hope aren't quick on their feet. Support better mail service!!!


One of the things that distinguishes English from other languages is its adaptability. It is in a constant state of growth and flux, adding slang words to the respectable lexicon, plugging in technocratic terms, discarding obsolete words like "father" and just plain old "dad," without any contemporary modifiers such as "absent" or "deadbeat." The most obviously missing component of contemporary English may well be a contraction for "may well." I say, let's add it. This may'll be the most important issue among all those facing the electorate. Vote for updated English!!!


For the third year in a row, MayEllen Ferstweiner is in the running for queen of the Taylor, Texas, annual Rattlesnake Roundup. MayEllen, of undetermined but vivid sexual orientation, whatever it is, is a native of New Orleans, but has lived in Taylor since her family moved there in 1978. (The family, part of the Bratwurst mob in The Big Easy, had the misfortune to get involved in a war with the family led by Jacques "Mud Bug" Thibideaux over rights to the Phydeaux Phlats crawfish production at Dogleg Lake. They were forced to go to the mattresses, but both her mother and her father finally got too old for whoring, so they moved to Taylor, where Mr. Ferstweiner took a job in a penile implant factory and changed his name to "Dick Sticke.") At 204 pounds, MayEllen bills herself as "The Delta AND the Continental Landmass Queen." Because of complaints from seismograph operators in adjacent counties, this year she will not be doing her renowned trampoline act to the music of "Fangs for the Memory." Rumor is she has switched to a gymnastic exhibition done to the tune of "Snake, Rattler and Roadkill." Stay tuned, but be sure to vote for MayEllen.

Again, Rod, a great idea. I'm glad I could contribute a little to make it even beter.

Anti-male bias

Ron J.: "men are treated like vicious criminals for even the least offense against women" struck a chord in me. I impulsively kissed a gal (here in Columbia, MO) on the cheek and immediately apologized, was arrested and went to Municipal Court charged with third degree assault, found guilty in this "kangaroo court" and then vowed to take it to County Court when the case was dropped.

In the same town a ex-wife, a court official, attacked her 1- arm amputee ex- husband, not once but three times; she was arrested three times and not once charged or brought to court.

What does this tell you about anti-male bias in this society?

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