The Backlash! - July 1996

Organization News - National Congress for Fathers and Children
118 Oakwood, Webster Groves, MO 63119
(314) 961-5875 FAX (314) 963-7562

1996 NCFC Convention - Kansas City, KS August 8-11, 1996

National Congress for Fathers and Children Presents: Fathers & the Law: Working through Knowledge, not Anger

by Travis Ballard, Esq., President, NCFC

You may wish to attend the NCFC Convention in Kansas City.

If you are interested in car-pooling from your area or sharing rooms, let us know. We can distribute your email address among the list to find a match. Just leave your email address, city of origin, and your desire to share a ride or a room.

This year's NCFC Conference is going to be the best ever! We have designed the conference to have something for everyone. There will be programs designed for fathers, second wives, grandparents, attorneys, and mental health professionals. The topics we are covering include: Malicious Moms, denial of parenting time, false abuse accusations, false memory syndrome, fair financial child support, and how to prepare for mediation.

Prices start at just $75.

We have planned this conference to be family oriented and encourage you to bring yours with you. There will be daycare facilities during the conference hours. The hotel, where our conference will be held, has such child favorites as a miniature golf course, video arcade, swimming pool, and a playground. All of which are indoors. For those attending on a budget, the hotel is surrounded by economy motels and resturaunts.

Conference activities will end at 5:00 p.m. each day, which will give you plenty of time to explore such places as the newly revamped Kansas City Zoo, Worlds of Fun, the Casinos, Hallmark Cards' Kaleidoscope, or just go shopping at the nearby Oak Park Mall. There's also a party planned for those leaving late on Sunday.

Even if you cannot attend this year's convention, please encourage others to do so. We believe we will have one of the most informative conferences ever for attorneys and counselors who represent the interests of fathers. Try to get your attorney or counselor to attend.

I hope to see all of you in Kansas City.

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