The Backlash! - April 1996

Organization News - Society Against False Accusations of Rape
James Donald Anderson #6952487 Oregon State Correctional Institution
3405 Deer Park Dr SE Salem, OR 97301

Confessions of a mad dog Rapist in Prison

by James Donald Anderson, convicted rapist

That's right, I'm a convicted rapist in prison. I know, I should be keeping that a secret and telling people I'm in "The Joint" for armed robbery, instead of some creepy sex crime, but hey, why lie? As a matter of fact, because I refused to plea bargain to a lesser charge, I was convicted of rape in the first degree, the most violent type of rape offense. Boy, am I lucky or what?

Gee, I sure don't sound remorseful or repentant for my terrible "crime." Well, guess what? I'm not! I will never apologize for my "crime." I don't feel one bit sorry for my "victim," and I don't take any crap from anyone about my conviction. I must be one bad-assed "rape-o" and the Maddest Dog Rapist in the entire US prison system to tell the world exactly how I feel. Just why is it that I seem to be at war with the world, anyway?

I'm at war because I am in prison for a crime I did not commit and I am pretty pissed off about it! What worse crime can a guy be accused of? I had sex with a woman I had just met, she turned around the next day and falsely accused me of rape in order to file a million dollar lawsuit. This woman needed no evidence, no corroborating testimony nor were her motives questioned. This fraud gained this woman some easy money in the bank and it has cost me years of my life. Yeah, I'm a little pissed off!

Twenty years ago this case would have been laughed out of the courtroom and seen for what it was, an extortion attempt. However, the US has been on a sex crime witch hunt for the past decade. Every accusation, no matter how bizarre or unfounded is taken as gospel, once a man is accused he must be found guilty and sent to prison. Courts now must make a conviction out of every allegation because according to Feminists and the media, women are being raped in record numbers and most men are born to be rapists and conditioned to enjoy abusing women. Rape has been so re-defined in these politically correct times that if a woman accuses a man of rape he must be guilty, no matter what the motive in allegation or lack of any evidence of any crime. I know for a fact this injustice exists in America. My life has been stolen from me, as I sit in prison with a ten year prison term because of it. I also have a fourteen month term on top of that for my 1990 escape from prison and this nightmare.

I know what you're thinking, "Oh sure you're innocent. You're just a rape-o freak trying to talk your way out of your conviction." Well, that's untrue, but I've learned that some people (like those in the legal system) neither want to see the truth nor care about it. Especially when a person is accused of a sex crime and claims innocence. All the evidence in my case pointed to the fact that the woman who accused me did so to win some money off a lawsuit. Everyone is a "victim" these days and it's taboo to question one about any accusations, even if it's obvious the so-called "victim" is lying through his or her teeth.

Don't get me wrong. Most men, myself included, find rape a horrible crime. Any many who would commit such an act isn't much of a man in my view. However, just as most women are not victims of rape, most men would never commit this appalling crime. We men are not the monsters the media try to make us out to be. Why men must realize is that some women do falsely accuse men. Granted, most women would never lie about being raped, but some do. We men have been programmed since birth to protect women, and rightfully so. We abhor violence against women and despite men who abuse women. This instinct to protect women also seems to incline us to refuse to believe that a woman would lie when saying she has been attacked. Today, any man can be accused of rape at any time, for any reason, and the sad thing about it is he won't be able to do a damn thing except pack his bags for prison.

Women today have an extremely devastating weapon they can use against men. All they have to do is point an accusatory finger, cry rape, and some poor schmuck is going to prison. Like I said, most women would never sink this low, but some do. Women have long used false accusations to get back at men and have a variety of reasons for doing so: revenge, blackmail, regret, mental illness, extortion, to explain a pregnancy, for attention, and for sympathy, to name a few.

Let's face it, lesbians, feminists, and other man-haters are not too thrilled with men anyway and to them, the more men in prison the better, and what better way to get rid of men than to accuse them of a crime that needs no evidence (except the accusation) and that is impossible to defend against. This is why the media portray all men as predators and rapists at heart. Feminist propaganda against men have all but manipulated our media into mouthing whatever the feminists want them to say. If a newspaper dares question feminist-created myths or over-inflated statistics, they are accused of being sexist or anti-woman by the feminist storm troopers and their allies.

There is another reason why feminists must promote the big lie that all men are out to abuse women and that all women are pitiful victims of men and need protection from the government: Rape Crisis Centers and Women's Shelters are multi-million dollar a year businesses in the US. Those who profit off these centers must keep the myth going that behind every tree in the US lies a rapist ready to pound on some poor, defenseless woman. These propagandists need those federal dollars and want to keep themselves in jobs.

Lesbians, feminists, and their boot-licking male punks love to whine and cry on how mistreated all women are and how here in the US we live in a "Rape Culture." They also tell us that when a woman is raped, it is not the act of one lone, sick freak, but all men are to be held responsible for the attack, because all men would commit rape if given the chance and have been conditioned to abuse women. Also that true rapists rarely seen the inside of a prison cell because the male-run justice system won't convict one of their own. These are bread and butter to feminists, who use them to promote their rape culture myth. The logic these days is that if a woman wakes up after a night of doing drugs, boozing and having sex, then feels regret, it is not her fault, she must have been raped and some man better go to prison for it!

Our justice system has bought their baseless propaganda hook, line and sinker. All that is needed to send a man to prison is the accusation, because if a court asks for some kind of evidence or questions the motive in the allegation, this is called "blaming the victim." An accusation doesn't need to be proved because all men are now considered rapists anyway. If a man is accused, he better prove his innocence completely, which in itself is impossible since the only evidence of the crime is that of your accuser saying it happened. We all know that a "victim's" word is better than that of some damn "rapist." Throw the freak in prison where he belongs!

The myth that women never lie in rape accusations is now so ingrained in America that a man accused finds it all but impossible to get even the facade of a fair trial, and if by some miracle he wins his freedom and is acquitted, he will always be known as "the rapist who got away." The stigma of just being accused is enough to ruin a man's life. That is, if he doesn't wind up in prison.

I will not receive parole or get any time off my sentence because I refuse to "confess" to the crime I was so easily convicted of. I will also not partake in any so-called sex offender treatment. I am not a freak and will not say I am one, even for early release. I would have been released years ago if only I would "play the game." But I did nothing wrong and owe them nothing. I have stuck by my innocence all my years in these gulags. It is about all I have left for which the state has stolen from me. The Parole Board and prison officials don't seem to understand the concept of integrity and honor. They say I'm "in denial," their favorite catch phrase.

The American system of justice used to be based on the tenet that a man is innocent until proven guilty. That concept of fairness is history, now if a man is accused of sex crime, then he is guilty no matter what, even if he is innocent.

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