The Backlash! - February 1996

Get your power back

One man's journey

by J. Steven Parkinson

Copyright 1994 by J. Steven Parkinson

Do you want power? Power to stop the court from taking away your children in a custody suit? Power to convince the judge and jury to come to your rescue? Power over your sexist, female boss you either have now, or will have very soon? We need power!

Power is the number one driving force in today's gender-competitive environment. Before discussing how to get this valuable commodity, let's review why we lost it, why we need it back, what continues to happen when we don't reclaim it, and the number one thing preventing our trying to recover it.

A presumptuous attitude made us lose it. We assumed it was okay to be insensitive to our wives or girlfriends. After all, we're the "man of the house" -- right? We allowed them to foster hidden hostilities against us thinking only of ourselves. Oh sure, we bought them rose once in a while, and God knows, we gave them "everything." But, they didn't want "everything" -- they wanted us. Our neglect made them feel abused and, consequently, we became victims of their false allegations that we'd mistreated them.

Millions of men have made those "me-only" mistakes, and now, all men are paying a heavy price. The evidence: Male-bashing is America's number one sport. The residue from the current wave of anti-male sentiments has split over into every facet of society imaginable. We're the new victims -- the targets of merciless discrimination and hostility. We're the ancient Israelites -- "they" are the Egyptians.

How serious is the problem? Anti-male thought is so ingrained into American thought, our institutions, our workplace, and our government, that women can actually commit criminal acts against the state, and if the affected person is a male, authorities will look the other way -- as in "aiding and abetting."

Experience is an excellent teacher, I was taught. I learned, first-hand, the extent of the damage being done by male-bashing when I filed a charge of Sex Discrimination against my female employer on March 15, 1993.

One example of how we're losing our civil rights

I know what it's like finding yourself in a situation where you're totally without power. The powerlessness of today's males enabled a group of feminist white collar criminals to successfully break the law and violate my civil rights - -the civil rights you, too, have lost. Yes, this is part of what continues to happen, and what you can expect in the future if men don't reclaim their power.

My feminist-controlled employer was slapped with a Federal subpoena by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) demanding the surrender of comparable disciplinary memorandums issued to two female coworkers in my department. The Federal government sought these documents (the "prima facie" evidence) for reviewing allegations of reverse sex discrimination. The company, time after time, refused to respond to the charge.

Illegal antics, similar to what many of you have experienced in divorce proceedings, plagued by pursuit of justice. The EEOC investigator's boss was a female; as was the District Director; as was their chief counsel; as was the in-house attorney defending the case; and as was the company's internal head of EEO compliance. The government allowed their feminist allies -- their good ol' girl network -- to thumb their noses at the law in ways the "gold ol' boy network" could never get away with.

The women got together, concocted a different story about my illegal termination, submitted falsified documents (I have proof), and destroyed the "prima facie" evidence -- the comparable warnings. President Clinton was contacted, pleading for his help in forcing the U.S. Attorney General's office to investigate the crime of obstructing justice. EEOC's Washington headquarters was then ordered by the President to follow up on my behalf. EEOC following up for a male sex discrimination victim, however, is like sending a wolf out to check on the safety of the sheep. EEOC's racketeers lied and covered up to the greatest extent possible to protect their corporate feminist allies. EEOC, needless to say, eventually let them off.

The falsified documents, and other violations of Federal case laws, were not revealed until EEOC, ultimately, was forced to relinquish these materials to me under the Freedom of Information Act. I discovered my female boss had reported she was "threatened" by me; I, supposedly, was about to "hit her"; and her "fear may have been justified" because of the danger of my "gassing people to death." (Originally, their reason for firing me was that "the structured environment may not be suitable to your style.") The allegations they later invented were so bizarre, and lacking in credible proof, people (who know me) fold over laughing at these lying desperadoes. Yet, these criminals didn't think up all their falsified charged until many mothers later, and after they'd given the State Unemployment Bureau a very different response in their unsuccessful attempt to escape paying my benefits. None of their accusations could be supported by documents or witnesses, and the female making the claim had a known propensity for lying. A male employer would never have gotten away with it. EEOC's permissiveness runs contrary to the same case laws the agency has used, thousands of times, in prosecuting male employers who have discriminated against women. Their permissiveness also runs contrary to the Fourteenth Amendment of our Constitution which states:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

What prevents us from taking action?

Amazingly, there are a surprising number of men who fail to see the seriousness this threat poses to their own civil rights, and yawn when hearing this story. Herein lies the problem: Men have a "that won't happen to me" attitude and can't relate to other men's suffering. Our feminist-controlled leaders know this and will continue destroying our civil rights with complete confidence, knowing our concerns are falling on deaf ears. Men aren't supposed to whine, nor show pain, nor cry. The fact we don't, gives our adversaries relief.

When boys misbehaved, in my youthful era, the teacher took them down the hall carrying a large paddle. Following several loud, explosive "pops," and embarrassed lad would return to his desk, barely able to sit back down. And yet, in all those years, not one boy was ever observed to have cried -- despite the horrific pain. We were taught that way. We grew up that way. We've always been that way, and always will be -- that way. We're afraid to show our suffering and reveal our hurt, and we secretly resent other men who do. Now, that fear and resentment is working to destroy us, and our civil rights.

Masculinity, historically, has always been used against us as a weapon. Unmanliness is our number one fear. In the military, or in our contact sports, it's used against us prompting us to perform at our best. They can control us with our fear of "not measuring up." We fear not measuring up, in many cases, more than death.

Feminists play the opposite game. They shame us for being too masculine -- the signals are crossed. Our identity is confused.

What do we need to do?

The confusion of our roles as men; our declining credibility; and the damaging power of radical, male-bashing feminists has created a situation requiring immediate action! When judges deny equal protection to loving fathers; when Federal agencies encourage discriminatory feminist-run corporations to commit crimes against male employees; when men are denied adequate medical care (equivalent to what women receive); and when a woman's allegations (without proof) are arbitrarily chosen over that of a credible man, it's time to fight, but::
  1. Who do we fight?
  2. Why do we fight?
  3. How do we fight?
First, it's not us against them. "Them" aren't necessarily women. The very infrastructure of American democracy is under attack. Your personal suffering, therefore, is not to be taken personally. "Them" is an evil, twisted, philosophy of Marxist liberal extremism that has run amuck. Ironically, this radical and crippling feminist ideology, causing all the problems, is equally adverse to women. (Read Christina Hoff Sommers' Who Stole Feminism?) Women, for the most part, are our allies and fellow victims. We are fighting guerrilla warfare -- an invisible foe bent on destroying us through propaganda.

This warfare requires your intelligence -- not your physical strength. Therefore, if you physically touch, threaten, or harm anyone in the fight, you lose. You give our accusers that much more ammunition to tell the world, "See, I told you so. All men are a violent bunch of pigs."

Secondly, we fight because the future of our children and our nation is at stake. Our founding fathers would turn over in their graves if they saw how this country's male citizens are being denied equal protection of the laws.

If one million of Saddam Hussein's troops stormed the beaches along the state of Virginia and declared they were headed up to Washington to burn the constitution, would you not want to stop them? If they asserted their intention for establishing their own regime within the halls of Congress, would you not be outraged? What if they announced that all males were being rounded up and thrown into prison, and their belongings given to women? People who had never fought in a war before would gladly fight in that one.

Yet, this is exactly what's happening today. Our constitutional protections are being denied, equal to burning; Congress is currently being persuaded by a sinister element of radical feminism, equal to an invading force; and men are being innocently thrown into prison, as the result of false allegations of rape. Is that not reason enough why you should fight? How is that different from any other type of forced dictatorship?

Finally, how do we fight this collective ideology of tyranny? How do we recapture our equality? How do we recover the power we lost? Protesting, alone, won't do it. Letter writing helps, but cannot solve the problem, completely. Supportive group meetings are excellent, but are only part of the solution. The answer:

He/She who can control your heart and mind possesses the ultimate power.
We must take control of the American psyche. We must battle for the favorable consciousness of public thought. We must re-define the act of complaining to mean warfare intelligence. We have to shed ourselves of our former "silence/feel- no-pain" syndrome. We're fighting a unique enemy -- our weapons have to be unique.

There are important, specific actions you must execute to restore our constitutional guarantees:

  1. Make credibility your number one asset. Take pictures, document, save everything for filing, study case laws (concerning items important to you), and always tell the truth.

  2. Join men's groups and rally support for equal rights for both genders. Remember, women are hurt by the unfairness we experience. Win their hearts and minds.

  3. Get your group to start a legal defense fund whereby a case involving an unfairly treated male is chosen to appeal all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Landmark decisions are desperately needed, as this helps everyone else who is similarly situated.

  4. Get to know a newspaper reporter, or celebrity, in your area and "PR" with them. Articulate your facts. Win their hearts and minds. (This is how feminist extremists won them.) The media is excellent for publicity matters.

  5. Find out what's going on at the college you support. If they're anti-male, threaten to cut off their funding. Send multiple letters to other alumni exposing the university's unconstitutional position on gender inequality, and their male-bashing antics.

  6. Take a writing course and sharpen your skills.

  7. Spearhead a community action drive to recall various judges who are consistently anti-male in their decisions.

  8. Although protesting, by itself, will not win hearts and minds, it nevertheless raises public consciousness levels. Use your discretion wisely.

  9. Buy time on radio and TV promoting a gender equality agenda. Daytime TV is best, and is watched by females. Women are potentially our best allies. Needed: 15 second ads.

  10. Boycott any company (and encourage others to do the same) who actively engage in sex discrimination against males. Important, also, is to let the firm know you're boycotting them. Economic sanctions against a company can be financially devastating, and will get their attention. Companies will quickly change their hearts and minds.
This is a fight all Americans will eventually join, because it is a fight for the basics of our constitutionally protected democracy. If we remain silent, and if we resent other men who are not silent, we will become permanently and completely powerless. How manly will we be then?
Author's biography
Steve Parkinson has been a property manager for 20 years, and has handled the details of closing commercial sales to overseeing the management of shopping centers. He obtained the title of Certified Property Manager (CPM) in 1982, and has a California Real Estate Broker's License, currently managing real estate investments in southern California.

Completing his four-year degree in Business Administration, Parkinson has been a key player in the real estate divisions of Merrill Lynch, Glendale Federal, and Kaiser Permanente.

Employment issues are no stranger to 50 year-old Steve, having kept abreast of current laws, researching case studies and amassing a library of related materials. Research and investigative work are already part of his professional diet, pursuant to lease documents and frequent appearances in court as an owners' representative -- writing a book was a natural outgrowth of his interest in legal arguments.

While at Kaiser Permanente, he experienced, first-hand, the current trend of anti- male sex discrimination and became a vocal opponent of the types of feminist crimes and government corruption against males being tolerated in the workplace.

Fire Him! Hire Her: EEOC and the Reversal of Gender Power is Steve's first book, and reflects his bizarre experiences with EEOC following his discriminatory discharge from Kaiser. The book is another wake-up call for males who are gradually losing their civil rights.

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