The Backlash! - January 1996

Women's Equality

You want it, or not?

by Gordon Hartwig

There is some indication that men are more likely to receive the death penalty if they have murdered women. Of the ten men on death row in Washington state as of March 7, 1994, 3 had murdered only men (one of these murderers had also attempted to kill a woman during the same incident), 5 had murdered only women, and 2 had murdered both men and women. One of the murderers of women has since been executed. Assuming that the number of male murder victims is about 3 times as high as female victims, this implies that the number of men sentenced to death for killing only women is about five times as high as one would expect.

The passage of Initiative 187 in California caused quite an uproar. It will deny some services to illegal immigrants. Opponents think it is racist and are challenging it in court with a high likelihood that it will be found unconstitutional. If that happens, it will appear that illegal aliens have more rights than men in the U.S. Men, and only men, who do not register for the draft are denied access to some educational services and government jobs, as well as risk 5 years in jail and a $10,000 fine. Welcome to America.

...illegal aliens have more rights than men in the U.S.
I've seen many talk shows where a man has come on and is just ripped by his wife and the host and the audience. What I would like to see is when a man is ambushed like this, that he quietly tells the host that s/he obviously is a very cruel person and probably misandrist, then turn to his wife and say that she obviously does not love him to humiliate him like this on national television, tell her he will file for divorce, and walk off the show.
The feminist battle cry on abortion is "a woman's body, a woman's choice." Well, not exactly. If she is a woman in China aborting all her female fetuses, that's different. She shouldn't have that choice.
Some women are complaining that Barbie is imposing unrealistic body images on young girls. If Barbie is causing all this trouble, just think of the messed up girls and boys brought up on cabbage patch dolls, Raggedy Ann, Ninja Turtles, and Power Rangers. It seems Barbie is more realistic than anything else out there. Do you think kids realize these are just dolls and not body models? Some women just need to complain about something.

Why was the year of the woman presented as a celebration by the media, but when a lot of men are elected in the '94 election, it is portrayed as a funeral by the media? Is it because men don't look at everything in terms of gender? (Like women.) Is it because men have other priorities? (Unlike women.) Is it because men did not see a few of their gender being elected as a reason to gloat? (Like women.)

From Dr. Susan Love, author of a book on breast cancer:

The thing that really gets me the most angry and upset about breast cancer, is I have been specializing in breast cancer a long time, and we're still doing the same old things. We haven't really changed the mortality a lot, and we still have the same treatments. And I see women whose mothers had the same treatments that they're having for the same disease. And I think because this is a woman's disease, and because women have tended not to talk about it, and to be very quiet, it remains an epidemic, and we remain having women dying of this disease. And I don't think we can put up with that anymore. I think it's time for women to really take control of this, to take control of their lives and their bodies, to demand mammograms if they're old enough, and if they're not old enough, then people say, 'Well, what can I do? I'm under 40. What can I do to prevent breast cancer?' And the answer is political action. The only thing you can do is yell and scream, raise more money, get more research into how we really can prevent breast cancer, how we can detect it in the younger woman. And until we do that, it's not going to happen. And so the time has really come, where all women have to get obnoxious. And we have to become so obnoxious about this issue, they do something just to shut us up.
From Diane English, creator of Murphy Brown:
I made her a recovering alcoholic, because I was so tired of female characters who were saints, who were put on a pedestal. And I think that a woman should be allowed to be as much of a jerk, or have as many flaws as a man. You know, they make more interesting characters.
From C. Delores Tucker of the Democratic Black Caucus at NOW convention, July 1,1994:
Last week we were able to stop a concert in Philadelphia. Two Pop Shakur. Two Pop Shakur had a concert at one of our city establishments. And our organization there challenged it. And said if you don't stop it, you're going to have some crazy women out there that will tear up The Del. And it was stopped. So, sometimes we have to use crazy methods to deal with these folks who understand normal language.
I wonder if this is anything like protesters in front of abortion clinics. Maybe we should have a law specifying a 300 foot perimeter around concerts where NOW is not allowed. And no chanting.

August 26th is Women's Equality Day. What does that mean? That all women are equal, or should be? Of course, the thrust of Women's Equality Day is that men and women are and should be considered equal. So why isn't it called Men's and Women's Equality Day? or Gender Equality Day? Why just "Women"? Doesn't only using "Women" make the word "Equality" a little ironic?

During a December 26, 1994, interview of Donna Shalala by the Close-Up Foundation on C-Span:

It is much easier to do this job than to run a big university. Big universities are much tougher because you're not in control. When you run a big university, everyone thinks they're in charge.... At least in this job it's more hierarchical.... Not as many chiefs.
Hierarchical? Aren't feminists opposed to hierarchies?
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