The Backlash! - May 1995

Some of my favorite quotes

Following years of contentious litigation, the Dow Chemical Corporation has recalled all of its silicone Breast Implant devices and is offering to have them drained and refilled with another Dow product, Napalm. The new, improved implants are guaranteed, according to a Dow spokeswoman, to turn any woman into a real "Bombshell."
-- P.C. Seldom

What's that useless piece of flesh on the end of the penis? A man?

-- Feminist joke

What's that useless piece of flesh on the end of the penis? A wife?

-- P.C. Seldom

"This is not a normal world."

-- Batman

"Indecision is the key to flexibility."

--Political axiom

"Love is wash you have to do."

-- early Cold Power commercial

I'm a builder, but I'm cross-trained as a hunter-gatherer.


Census studies show that women have 3,000 sexual partners per year, not including household pets and domestic livestock.

-- P.C. Seldom

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