The Backlash! - May 1995

Organization News - Womyns Resource Center No address available at this printing

Sisters scream for suicide!

submitted by Lenny

On July 4th at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco at Midnight, join the only true female supremacists in a selfless act of proof. This is the ultimate cleansing of patriarchal putrid poisoning. We will make a statement that cannot be denied. Only the morally superior have the courage to stand up for what we are. Only women truly sacrifice!

Leap for the Lady Goddess

First 500 sisters will be forever memorialized with a plaque placed in the G-Spot room of the Womyns Resource Center in San Francisco.

Recapture once and for all the power of Death!

Finally, it's time for us to take back our gifts of the power of sisterly death. Meet us in the Battered Women's Center in the Sky!

Remember midnight sharp July 4th at the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge--late comers may not be allowed to participate. "After you, no after you, no I insist you first."

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