The Backlash! - May 1995

Organization News - Men's Defense Association (The Liberator) 17854 Lyons Street, Forest Lake, MN 55025-8854

notes from Gopher Prairie

by R.F. Doyle

Copyright 1995 by R.F. Doyle

It's Spring in Gopher Prairie, the Riviera of the North. Ducks are on the pond, and the annual battle with gophers and muskrats begins anew.

What shall we start with? Divorce? I just opened a letter, not atypical, from a man ordered to pay a total of $1,284 per month in alimony/support to 2 ex-wives for them and 3 kids. With a net income of $1,600 per month, he has only about $100 a week on which to live. As we have said so many times here, if you want a donkey able to work, you have to leave him some hay.

Better yet, restore him to head of the family. Consider how Japan, with its dearth of natural resources, is far ahead of Russia, with its untold natural resources. What is the elemental sociological difference between the two countries? Japan is patriarchal.

Poor Avi Kostner wrote again. He is charged with murdering his children, but the divorce court which evidently drove him insane is the more responsible party. I hope his lawyer has the intestinal fortitude to make this point. If that could be established, we could almost shut down our printing presses, buy a condo in Florida, and take life easy.

Alan Keyes, black Republican Presidential aspirant, has got it right. In a recent speech, he said "We drove the fathers out of their homes." Based on this one statement, the men's/fathers' movement should strongly consider throwing our support behind this man. Keyes might also appoint judges who believe in the 13th Amendment: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States..."

Reprinted with permission from -- MDA -- The Liberator.

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