The Backlash! - May 1995

Organization News - Madison Men's Organization 2001 E Dayton St., Madison, WI 53704, (608) 249-5576

Blessed art thou amongst the species; and blessed is the fruit of they womb - Part 2

Bitter harvest

by James Novak

The fruits of mother-headed, alternative units are a generation of unwanted children, a "Garbage Generation" as described by writer Daniel Amneus. The following are characteristics of children from mother-headed families:

The children are poor and consequently, live in a welfare system that siphons the productivity of a society as a whole. Two-parent families do not want to support those who have chosen this lifestyle as they carry sufficient burdens just caring for their own families.

Sixty percent of rapists come from mother-headed families, 70 percent of those described as violent rapists. Eighty-three percent of child abuse occurred in households receiving AFDC (read mother-headed families).

Children from mother-headed families receive lower school grades; more than one- third of the children from mother-headed families drop out of school.

Thirty-three percent of the children living with fathers seemed pleased with their living situation (they feel protected) as compared to 10 percent of those living with their mothers.

A child living in a mother-headed family is 10-times more likely to be beaten or murdered.

Females in mother-headed families are 53 percent likelier to have teenage marriages, 111 percent likelier to be teenage mothers (and why not, their role model is), 164 percent likelier to have prenuptial births, and 92 percent likelier to experience marital disruptions (again, their mother is their role model, initiating two-thirds of divorces in search of themselves and their sexual actualization).

Seventy-five percent of federal juvenile offenders come from mother-headed homes.

Sons of mother-headed units are twice as likely as sons of 2-parent families to become an unwed father.

Seventy-five percent of adolescent murderers come from mother-headed families.

Next issue, Social rot

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