The Backlash! - April 1995

Organization News - The New Edition P.O. Box 67058 Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E0 CANADA

New Edition goes underground

By Will Steeves

On Friday, March 3, The New Edition Magazine (TNE), at New College, University of Toronto, home of the world's first student publication featuring an entire section devoted to Men's Issues, published its first issue since being shut down by the New College Student Council (NCSC) in September 1994.

The issue was entirely funded by private donations and advertising - Thanks to all those who helped and to the fine publications for advertising our fund-raising drive! Entitled "CONSPIRACY! Who Shut Down The New Edition and Why?", the March 1995 issue revealed that high-ranking NCSC officials broke their own Constitutional bylaws by refusing to provide copies of documentation proving that they had done anything either regarding replacing our stolen computer equipment or providing us with a new security system to prevent future robberies. Furthermore, we provided TAPED conversations proving that the NCSC, despite assurances to the contrary, did absolutely nothing or close to nothing, to get TNE its new security system.

The March issue also revealed the truth of the "politically correct" reasons behind the NCSC's shutting down of TNE, the truth hidden behind the NCSC's constant story-changing - first it was a supposedly unacceptable budget, then it was a supposedly unacceptable constitution, then it was worries of liability, then it was.

TNE's Men's Issues/Malestrom section featured "Husband Abuse - Questions & Answers," written by Will Steeves as a pamphlet for The Easton Alliance for the Prevention of Family Violence / Male Survivors of Relationship Violence, and "Men, Suicide, The Tragedy," by Robert Ross, whose article also appeared in the January issue of The Backlash!

On March 13 and 14, students of New College voted in a referendum written by Will Steeves and submitted on behalf of TNE by Managing Editor Matthew Vadum. The referendum featured five questions, some of which were intended as fallback mechanisms in case other questions did not pass. This strategy worked, at least partially, as students voted in favour of allowing TNE to legally incorporate itself as an entity separate from the NCSC, and also voted in favour of striking down an entire section of NCSC's Constitution bylaws that dealt with TNE, effectively removing their legal right to declare us "discontinued".

Here's the bad news - the students, by a slim margin of 20 votes, voted against diverting 8% of NCSC's budget to TNE. So, even though we have our "legal" autonomy, we still have no source of funding. Although a new NCSC has recently been elected, many of them are the same members as last year, so we're worried that we can still expect them to stonewall our budget requests.

In other words, we still need your help!

To all those who would like to donate or advertise, we will provide in return a hearty thanks in a future TNE (if desired), as well as a copy of TNE's March and September issues. It cannot be overemphasised just how important it is to spread the message of Men's Issues to students, a group currently being inundated by "politically correct" radical feminism. We can't keep the message alive without your help!

To contact TNE, refer to the directory at the beginning of this section.

(Please make any cheques or money orders payable to "The New Edition". Thanks!). And, as always, your advertisements are also welcome!

For more information, email Will Steeves

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