The Backlash! - April 1995

Organization News - Movement for the Establishment of Real Gender Equality 19502 61st Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98155

MERGE Forum update for April

by Paul Shaner

Movement for the Establishment for Real Gender Equality (M.E.R.G.E.) is a group of men and women working toward inter gender communication and dedicated to reducing conflict and opposed to sexism against either gender. M.E.R.G.E. seeks to establish understanding, cooperation and equality between the genders.

M.E.R.G.E. announces the following forums. Each forum is held on the 3d Tuesday, at the Fremont Baptist Church, 717 N 36th, Seattle, beginning at 7:00 P.M. All persons are invited.

Sexual harassment - April 18, 1995

Dan Patterson, Media Specialist, sued the city of Seattle for sexual harassment at the same time as Anita Hill was becoming known nationally. He has become an expert on how sexual harassment statutes work, the history of the legal concept and how it is being applied to men, with contrasts and similarities to the situation of women when they first began fighting harassment.

M.E.R.G.E. began in Edmonton and publishes a journal and several monographs on gender issues. The Seattle group is the second chapter and was begun by a group of men and women who wanted to do more than simply talk about gender issues. If you are interested in more information, call Paul Shaner, M.S.W., President, at 486-4966, or Moreah Vestan, Founder, at 938-8385.

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