The Backlash! - March 1995

Organization News - National Organization for Men Eleven Park Place, New York, NY, 10007 (212) 766-4030

Attack on America

by Anthony Nazzaro

The inscription at the Statue of Liberty might someday read, "Give us your frustrated, your resentful, your angry American men yearning to be proud once again, the wretched refuse of our matriarchal disintegration."

An insightful Abraham Lincoln once stated that this country was too powerful to be destroyed by an outside force, but that it might be destroyed from within. He never fathomed however that it would be from within our traditional Ameircan culture. That the great divide would eventually come from the newly formed women's movement, honorable during his time, but poisoned in ours.

We must during troublesome times constantly have the courage to state the obvious. Remember the boy who pointed out that the Emperor had no clothes.

Accordingly, it is important to state what makes us work so well togehter, that in fact one of the greatest gifts given to us is the differentiation in human beings called gender. For not only are there innate physical, emotional and sexual differences, but there need to be in order for the social contract -- namely he primarily provides, she primarily nurtures -- to work. These beliefs are not oif gender engineering but merely recognition of natural science and pragmatic real life circumstance. Role differentiation was one of the reasons that we had achieved the most successful military, economic and technological societies in modern history.

Therefore, the lies, distortion of statistics, discriminatory laws, etc., that are espoused today, shoudl have driven us to the point of addressing feminism years ago. That all men and women are created equal goes without saying, but feminism's intentional misrepresentation of the word "equal" to mean "identical," when convenient, is an egregious double-standard that contributes to the disrespectful and resentful relationships in our society today.

Be it radical or reform-type feminism (equal rights vs. women's rights respectively), their demands of identical choices or for preferential treatment are either unrealistic expectations or directly discriminate against men. Their fraudulent premise of the genders being culturally interchangeable regarding the country's defense, family support obligation or nurturing children, if only they were just socialized differently, is ludicrous.

This is a free country; therefore, we should support equal opportunity, but the universal and historical acceptance of traditional complementary roles should not be undermined by the selfish, self-centered social engineers of the women's movement, women who might not want men economically, politically, socially or sexually in their lives.

Feminism's Marxist goals of quotas, comparable worth, disregard for established job qualifications and frivolous lawsuits, tell us that they have also declared war on our Free Enterprise system. I hope those in the men's movement have the insight and courage to repel this extremly destructive attack on our American way of life.

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