The Backlash! - February 1995

Organization News - National Center for Men P.O. Box 555 Old Bethpage, NY 11804 (516) 942-2020

Media update Part 2

The David Brenner show

by Mel Feit

David took over Larry King's radio program, then invited me to be a guest during his first week of shows.

We talked mostly about discrimination against men in matters of personal appearance. The question on the table: Should men have the right to wear skirts?

David settled it. Of course, men should have that right, he said, as long as women wear pants.

The really fascinating thing was that not a single woman called in. The program reached millions of listeners across North America, but all of the callers were men, all in support. The point here is that most feminist women cherish the creative freedom they have and that they are unwilling to share with men. But they can't say that publicly, so they stay silent.

I wish more men's rights activists would understand the power of the skirt I wear. It uncovers feminist hypocrisy and sexist greed like nothing else.

One skirt is worth a million words.

Newspapers and magazines

1. Newsweek. Contributing editor, Ellis Cose, did a piece in the August 8, 1994, issue on men as victims of domestic violence, quoting me.

After the article appeared I had lunch with Ellis, encouraging him to write more on men's issues. He seemed receptive to the idea. We'll see.

2. Single File. Susan Deitz published Gary Costanza's letter: "If you're looking for men's nonprofit advocacy group then you need look no further. NCM's in-your- face attitude has made us the most widely known men's rights group in the world."

Susan responded, "Let's see what progress can be made for the man of the nineties; he does have his own gender specific tyrannies. All is not power and glory for men these days." You don't say, Susan.

Reprinted with permission from the newsletter of the National Center for Men

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