The Backlash! - January 1995

Organization News - Fight Against Sexist Tyranny (Editor's note: FAST no longer exists, but the sentiment remains valid)

Open, moderated discussion list

FAST ... Seeks equality between the sexes by promoting the virtues of people in general and negating the modern purely destructive technique of having to degrade one sex to achieve social and economic parity;

Promotes the positive contributions both men and women have made to humanity;

Refutes the falsehoods and stereotypes promulgated by media, special interest groups and "experts", by debunking the distortions with irrefutable and supportable facts; -Brings to light myriad cases of people falsely imprisoned or otherwise denied of their rights by a prostituted legal system; -And most importantly, provides for an open unadulterated, non-hate medium by which all of these types of issues can be discussed. - This forum will not contain Gay issues, as there are many eloquent and reputable forums that address the Gay topics. -The primary contributors to the list are professionals in the many fields that deal directly with these issues. -We ARE NOT a special interest group.

Notes and Procedures:

Since one of our idioms is to strive for equality (and hence harmony) without degrading one sex or one race, i.e., anyone, we will not distribute or otherwise include in our "mailings" statements that make generalizing and hence debasing apostasies about any race, any sex, i.e., anyone. We believe in free speech, but a prudent and intelligent parent will replace "Son, you are an idiot!" with "Son, let me help you correct the mistake on your homework." If you can not tell the difference, then promote your venue elsewhere.

As a further and more germane example, we will not distribute a statement from a contributor like "All women are potential sluts" for the same reason that we will not distribute statements like "All men are potential rapists". Additionally, we will only disseminate provable, verifiable and balanced statistics, where the proof and how to verify same will have to be included with the submission. This will eliminate the further tear to our society (that it can ill afford) by lies that serve nothing other than to promote a special interest group. A perfect example of this travesty can be found in the "Bloody [Super Bowl] Sunday" statistic.

Summary: There are several groups mechanizing under an ill defined but popular movement that promote their agenda by "lessening" [their word] one gender. We will strive to counteract this sexism by providing verifiable facts, by demonstrating that by large the gender that they are looking to destroy has proven to be an overwhelmingly positive contributor to humanity, and by "lessening" no one.

To send messages

To send your message and much welcomed contribution to this cause, e-mail FAST@GITVM1.GATECH.EDU (Editor: I'm not sure this address is still good)

Since we promote neither hatred nor sexism nor racism, your message will first be forwarded to the editors. If your message contains no hatred, sexism or racism, it will be distributed to all subscribers.

If your message does contain hatred or sexism or racism, the editors will return your message with an explanation.

All points of view, from all people, for the purpose of dismantling the sexist tyranny gripping our nation, are genuinely welcomed.

All messages to FAST, like all "letters to the editor" become part of FAST's catalogue of correspondence.

To subscribe, send the following e-mail message SUB FAST your-first-name your-last-name to LISTSERV@GITVM1.GATECH.EDU

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