The Backlash! - December 1994

Organization News - Wisconsin Fathers for Equal Justice P.O. Box 1742 Madison, WI 53701-1742

Charity begins at home

by William N. Fetzner

It's the season when you're asked for charitable contributions. Remember that WFEJ is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit by federal and state taxing agencies. That means any donations to WFEJ have the same deductibility on your income tax returns as donations to other charitable organizations, such as the American Heart Association, the March of Dimes or your local United Way.

When you contribute to omnibus funds like the United Way, you might think some of it goes to aid fathers struggling in the courts to retain their relationships with their children. Wrong - not a penny. Nor do United Ways use their vast incomes to aid male victims of domestic violence or anyone subjected to false accusations of abuse. The fact is, most programs operated by charities are designed for women, children and the elderly. They don't think men's needs rank high when money is handed out.

Most men wouldn't want it anyhow. But some men have little other choice, such as the man who wants to see his children but the mother refuses. No public agency to turn to for visitation problems. Or when a child support order takes so much money that a man can't afford to hire an attorney to challenge it. No free legal assistance for payers. Or when a father believes he is the better custodial parent, but authorities say he doesn't have the skills. Most parenting classes are designed for custodial moms.

We asked the United Way, Rotary and others to help pay for the WFEJ phone, to support an office, to provide specialized library facilities or to help us offer training and support groups for dads. No way, they said. Dads can fend for themselves.

Most try. But sometimes even a dad needs some help to make the best choices. WFEJ is around to help dads stay near their kids. When you support WFEJ with your direct donations, you help give a kid a dad. And that gives personal meaning to the WFEJ slogan, "kids need dads and dads care."

Make your check payable to WFEJ and send to P.O. Box 1742, Madison, WI, 53701. If you want part of your contribution to be applied to membership ($30/yr) or a subscription to Today's Dads ($20/yr), let us know. And don't forget to take credit for your contribution on your income tax returns next year.

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