The Backlash! - December 1994

Organization News - Movement for the Establishment of Real Gender Equality 19502 61st Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98155

MERGE Forum update for December

by Paul Shaner

Movement for the Establishment for Real Gender Equality (M.E.R.G.E.) is a group of men and women working toward inter gender communication and dedicated to reducing conflict and opposed to sexism against either gender. M.E.R.G.E. seeks to establish understanding, cooperation and equality between the genders.

M.E.R.G.E. announces the following forums. Each forum is held on the 3d Tuesday, at the Fremont Baptist Church, 717 N 36th, Seattle, beginning at 7:00 P.M. All persons are invited.

December 13, 1994

Asara Keysa-Lovejoy, CHT, private counselor, teacher and owner of the Reiki Institute, on understanding the masculine principle (not "manliness"), as it was taught to us through the father who raised us and understanding the feminine principle (not "femaleness") as it was taught to us through the mother who raised us restores the gifts, abilities, rights and authority inherent in our natures. Don't confuse the principles with the messengers; i.e., mom and dad. Furthermore, the masculine and feminine principles operate interdependently and never exist alone. Discovering this information is like finding the right key to open a long closed door.

January 17, 1995

Paul Shaner on the purpose of MERGE -- to bridge the gender gap. While feminist gender concerns are well publicized, men's gender issues are practically invisible. The issues are both equal and opposite. If you turn a feminist issue on its head, you get a men's issue, and vice versa, and the two are often functionally connected.
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