The Backlash! - November 1994

Organization News - Domestic Rights Coalition 1849 Iowa Ave E. St Paul, MN 55119-4234

Domestic violence is not a Gender Issue! - Part 2

Mandated bias in reporting

by George T. Gilliland, Sr.

Why is it that battered women's "advocates," and other so- called professionals, allow such hypocrisy to exist and continue? Because, as I have often said, the "industry of domestic abuse-violence is a multi-billion dollar industry," that is the sole domain of self serving feminists, many of whom are of the lesbian way of life, that have for years controlled the thinking of the politicians and American public. They have attained positions of power, influencing how multi-millions of tax dollars, corporate grants, United Way funds, and private donation come so easily to them, with the help of the media, who dare not criticize, question or doubt the validity of philosophies they espouse. If anyone dares to question, criticize or express misgivings about the operations of shelters, qualifications of staff advocates that earn $25,000 per year, or the need for more shelters, etc., that person is immediately attacked as "anti-feminist," and/or "anti- battered women," or both.

Some very respected nationally acclaimed researchers have been physically threatened, have been threatened by battered women's advocates per going to the presidents of certain universities to get the funding for the researchers projects suspended, etc. (ask noted author-researcher Suzanne Steinmetz!) These women, for the most part, don't really care about the reduction of family violence, nor about every victim of domestic abuse, they are doing nothing more than protecting their own self-serving turf, that has been untouchable for the past twenty years, and almost maintains that status today.

I have had judges, politicians and newspaper reporters tell me straight out that they support the work I have done on behalf of all victims of domestic violence, that there ought to be more men in the field of domestic abuse advocacy, but they do not dare appear at press conferences, seminars, etc. with me and endorse the idea of equal services for every victim of domestic violence. As they say, "We aren't crazy, we want to keep our jobs! Those women vote in large numbers, men don't. They will vote me out of office, or off the bench if I publicly supported equality for all victims." Even though I get upset by their hypocrisy, I admire they're being up front and honest with me.

A man once said, "If you don't attempt the absurd, you'll never achieve the impossible." Some screwy guy by the name of Albert Einstein said that.

I often nail so-called women's advocates with the question, while appearing on a live radio or television show, "If you say that even in one woman is killed, that is one too many, then isn't the life of one man also too many?" Naturally, they quickly and briefly agree, then get off quoting National FBI or Justice statistics that supposedly show that the overwhelming majority of domestic abuse victims are reported as women, and that women are by far more often killed by men in "domestics" than are women. I then ask them if they might know if those statistics are possibly skewed or very inaccurate. Naturally, as long as they have billions of dollars riding on their false propaganda, they swear those stats are not only probably 100 percent accurate, but if anything, are probably too low only as far as female victims are concerned. Hundreds of so called professionals that have worked with male victims claim there are relatively few men that have come to them with complaints of being abused by women. Gee, I wonder why that might be? Could it be because these men quickly perceive that they are not believed by these professionals? That maybe they are even feeling scorned or ridiculed by such professionals? Could it be then that these men never make or keep another appointment with such professionals because they are being victimized by these professionals, too? Therefore, these professionals aren't about to have any significant numbers of male victims coming to them, and logically, won't.

I would further suspect that many other states are similar to Minnesota in that the Law forbids law enforcement officers from taking and/or reporting data on male victims of domestic violence. The Minnesota law does require law enforcement officials to make reports on every "battered woman and their alleged male abusers over the age of 18 years," however.

Now, let's assume that our law enforcement administrators follow the law and make the lawfully mandated reports to the Minnesota Department of Corrections (which is where those reports are sent to), so that they can compile accurate data on family violence. Clearly, the statistics reported are based solely on gender, and that constitutes sex discrimination. According to nationally respected surveys, just over one-half of domestic violence victims are men. Therefore, the state of Minnesota is collecting less than half of the data on family violence victims.

The battered women's advocates are well aware of how these stats are skewed, of how inaccurate they really are, but they aren't about to upset their fully loaded applecarts that keep them in the land of easy jobs, easy money, and positions of power. When I first stumbled into this field and started to make radio and television appearances, these women's advocates were eager to appear with me hoping to make me look like a fool. Now, it's hard for the producers of these shows to get them to appear on any show I'm on. Why? Because I tend to ask such stupid questions as, "You propagate the myth that the only reason for domestic abuse-violence is man's desire to control and dominate a woman, is that correct?" They quickly answer in the affirmative, and usually try to go on to explain how bad, controlling and dominating men are. But I jump in to ask, "If that is the only reason, then how do you explain the domestic violence that occurs in gay or lesbian relationships?" Typically, they reply, "I don't have time to get into that right now." If it doesn't support their assertion that gender has everything to do with it, they don't want to get into it.

Next month, Equal violence, equal solution

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